Chapter 30: New York?

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~2 weeks later~

*Becca's POV*

It had been two weeks since Riker had moved in with me, and so far everything had been great. I suppose we were still in the 'honeymoon phase', but it was fun nevertheless.

We'd had lazy days in bed, movie nights, pizza for breakfast. It was literally the cutest thing ever!

Today was a Wednesday, and I was meeting Natalie, Chris and my mom in a restaurant downtown. They had an announcement to make. My dad was working again and Riker was going to band rehearsals for the upcoming tour, so neither of them could come.

I was doing my makeup when Riker was about to leave. He was wearing a long-sleeved grey sweatshirt and a pair of denim skinny jeans with his blue converse, and I had a neon yellow long-sleeved Coca-Cola shirt on with a pair of denim skinny jeans and my beige Ugg boots.

"Babe, I'm leaving." Riker announced as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, looking at me in the mirror with a smile.

I set my mascara down and gave him a smile as I spun around in his arms, putting my arms around his neck.

"Enjoy yourself, but don't have too much fun without me!" I smirked up at him. "Be safe."

He nodded before leaning in and kissing me quickly.

I pulled away, smiling into the kiss. "GO!"

Riker kissed my nose before grabbing his phone and wallet and leaving, shouting a goodbye before shutting the door behind him.

As I went to pick up my mascara brush, I heard the door fly open again.

Riker popped his head around the door. "I love you."

I smiled like crazy. "I love you too, babe. Now go or you're gonna be late!"

He blew me a kiss before rushing out of the door, leaving me laughing quietly to myself.

I finished my makeup before making my way to the restaurant where I would meet my family.

I parked in the car park and walked inside, already seeing the three of them sitting down. Natalie waved me over, and I hugged them all tightly when we met.

Since my mom had gone to counselling, she and Dad had become a lot calmer and much nicer than before. I liked her a lot more now than before!

We had just finished eating when my mom decided to speak up.

"Ok, so we have a little announcement to make." My mother beamed, as did Chris and Natalie.

I gestured for her to go on.

"We're moving to New York!" She squealed, clapping her hands.

At that moment, my stomach dropped and my heart was ripped out of my chest. My own family were moving away from me. Not just a few blocks away, but almost 3000 miles away!

I smiled a small grin at my family. "That's fantastic news, guys! That'll be such a great experience! What's the reason behind it?"

"Dad's got a new job out there, Bec." Chris explained, his eyes bright. Chris had always wanted to go to New York, he loved the bright lights and Times Square.

"That's great, guys!" I smiled, using all my strengths to force back tears.

"Of course, it's going to be hard leaving you behind. We would've asked you to come with us, but we know you're all wrapped up in work, plus you've got Riker now, too." My mother added sincerely and sadly. "You'll have to come visit though! Maybe Christmas or New Years? Times Square is magnificent around then."

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