Chapter 48: Surprise

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*Riker's POV*

"Dude, I'm so nervous." I said, pacing up and down the hallway of my house.

"You're gonna be fine, Riker. She's gonna love it." Rocky tried to reassure me, but it was no use. I was a nervous wreck, even more nervous than when I'm about to go on stage to perform.

"But what if she doesn't?" I rung my hands out since my palms were sweaty.

"She will.Trust me." Ross added.

"Riker, you ready?" Rydel popped her head around the kitchen door into the hallway.

I took a deep breath but nodded. "Yeah."

"No, you're not." I looked at Rydel with a confused expression. "Your tie's not straight. Come here."

I chuckled shakily before walking over to Rydel. She straightened out my tie before checking my hair over and then giving me a thumbs-up.

"She's gonna be so happy, Riker. I know she will." Rydel beamed, giving me an unexpected hug. I attempted to hug the nerves away by grasping Rydel tightly, making her laugh. "Geez, you really are nervous."

I laughed a little before pulling away. I noticed my whole family had congregated by the door, ready to see me go.

"Guyssss." I whined. "You're so embarrassing."

Everyone laughed. "Well, it's not everyday we get to see something like this!" Mom stated, smiling at me.

"Are you sure Becca's home?" I asked nervously. Becca thought I was out of town doing some radio promotions and press for the band.

"Yeah, I checked with her earlier. Her last appointment was an hour ago." My mom agreed, smiling widely at me.

"Ok." I breathed in deeply. "I'm going."

I hugged everyone before heading out to my car, beeping the horn as I left my house for Becca's.

I tried to think of something else to calm my nerves, but nothing was working. I turned the radio on, but the presenter's voice sounded muffled. Nothing was helping me.

Eventually, after what seemed like a century, I got to mine and Becca's apartment and headed upstairs. I passed Benny and he smiled widely at me.

"Today's the day, huh?" He asked, gesturing to my suit and tie.

"Yeah. Wish me luck." I smiled weakly at him before heading towards the elevator.

I got to the door of the penthouse and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

A few moments later, Becca opened it, her eyes widening as she saw me.

"Oh my god! What are you doing back?!" She hugged me tightly, and I hid my face in her hair. "I thought you weren't meant to be coming back for another week!"

"Well, I kinda have a confession to make." I stated as I kissed her quickly. "I haven't actually been away. I've been staying with my parents."

Becca laughed loudly. "Why?!"

"Because I've been planning a surprise for you. And if you want it, you need to come with me." I held out my hand for her to take.

She giggled before turning on the house alarm, grabbing her phone, locking the door and taking my hand.

We walked out hand in hand, and it seemed like only then she noticed my suit. "What's with the tux?!" She exclaimed, laughing but obviously confused.

"You'll see! Be patient!" I chuckled as we headed out to my car. I opened her door for her and the got in my side, driving towards the beach.

"Riker, where are you going?" Becca asked, her eyes narrowing.

"The beach." I replied simply.

"Why? It's so spontaneous." She chuckled a little, and I joined her to try and rid myself of my nerves as we grew closer and closer to the beach.

"Like I said, you'll see." I turned my head to face her smiled quickly before facing the road again.

We got to the beach and my nerves heightened as I opened Becca's door for her.

"Ok, so you need to wear this blindfold." I instructed, placing the piece of material over Becca's eyes.

I grabbed her hand and led her onto the beach. She jumped slightly as she felt the gravel turn to sand, but kept going. We walked a little until I found what I was looking for.

I took a deep breath and let go of Becca's hand.

*Becca's POV*

"Babe. Take the blindfold off." Riker whispered in my ear.

I was seriously confused. Riker hadn't actually gone away, he'd been staying with his family to plan a 'surprise'. And now I was being taken on a mystery tour of the beach. What was happening?

I untied the blindfold and took it off to see a huge mound of sand in front of the sea. I saw it was moulded into a shape and walked closer to it to look at it.

When I got closer, I saw that it was a small sculpture. There were tiny hearts everywhere, and the hearts got bigger and bigger as they got further and further towards the centre of the sculpture, and right in the centre was a huge heart with the words...Wait, what?!

On the huge heart, the words 'Marry Me?' were written in the sand.

My hands flew up to my mouth as I tried to fight back the tears. Is this really happening?!

"Rik..." I turned around to find Riker kneeling in front of me, smiling widely up to me.

I couldn't hold the tears back, I let them fall one by one.

"So, you like the surprise?!" Riker chuckled, and I laughed thickly before nodding, wiping away a tear or two.

"I've been so nervous about doing this, oh my god." Riker breathed out deeply. "Ok."

"Bec, I've known you for a pretty long time now, and at first, I never thought we'd end up together. But we did, and it's honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me. YOU'RE the best thing that ever happened to me. We've had our ups and downs, but somewhere along the way, I fell in love with you. And I knew from that moment that I wasn't ever gonna let you go and that I was gonna spend the rest of my life with you. Yeah, maybe we had our fights, but I don't care because I still loved you through everything. And I know that I definitely want to spend the rest of my days with you by my side. So, Becca Hudson, will you do me the honour of marrying me?" Riker pulled out a box from his back pocket and opened it up to reveal an engagement ring, which had a huge diamond in the middle and curved around with many more diamonds surrounding it.

There was no way I could stop the tears from falling. They cascaded down my face like a waterfall and I gave up on wiping them away.

I slowly nodded, but soon picked up my speed. "Yes." I said quietly, beaming down at Riker.

Riker's eyes sparkled as he leapt up and placed the ring on my index finger. He hugged me tightly, picking me up in the process. I giggled tearfully as we put me down.

"I love you so, so much." Riker beamed with a few tears in his own eyes as he kissed me.

When we pulled away after a few seconds, I smiled up at him. "I love you too."

And that was it. I was officially Mrs.Lynch-to-be, and I could finally say that I was going to spend the rest of my life with Riker, and that I couldn't be more happy.

At that moment, everything was perfect.

A/N: This is the last official chapter since the next chapter is the epilogue:(

I can't believe this story is practically over:(

Thank you all so so much for reading, I love reading every comment that you all post, even if I don't have time to reply, please know that I appreciate each and every one of you!

I hope I gave you Recca feels;)

Laugh, cry, vote, comment, whatver you wish to do.

Em :) x

Table For Two (A Riker Lynch/R5 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now