Chapter 5: High Expectations

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A/N: just a little filler chapter guys!


Em :) x

Pic of Natalie over there ---->*Becca's POV*

I drove into Forest Green, the VERY exclusive and VERY expensive private estate where my family lived.

I drove slowly passed the houses, each camouflaged by huge gates, long driveways and forests of bushes.

I finally came to The Pines, my family's house. Well, it's more of a mansion!

I rolled down my car window and pressed the intercom outside the huge metallic gates.

"Hello?" My mom answered.

"Hey Mom, it's Becca." I spoke into the intercom.

"Oh, Rebecca, come on through." My mom announced as the gates suddenly began to open.

I drove along the extremely long driveway until I got up to the house: it was a tan-coloured brick house, with 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 3 reception rooms, an enormous kitchen, pool, sauna, jacuzzi, party room and games room.

I knocked on the huge brass door, and around 3 seconds later, a middle-aged woman with medium-length fair hair and a purple wrap dress opened it. My mom.

"Oh, Rebecca, sweetheart, do come in!" She exclaimed, giving me an awkward hug. I winced as she referred to my full name.

"Hi, Mom." I walked into the house and found my father sitting on the couch in one of the reception rooms, still in his golf attire.

"Ken, darling, please go and change! Rebecca's over." My mom sternly told my dad.

"Oh, no, it's fine, Dad, honestly! I don't mind what you wear." I laughed slightly.

"Thank you, Rebecca." My dad smiled at me. What was up with everybody round here calling me by my full name?!

"Now, the chef is almost done preparing dinner, so we shall sit down in a few minutes!" My mom told me as she walked away to find the chef.

"BECCA!" I heard a girls' voice scream.

I walked to the bottom of the staircase to see my 16-year old sister, Natalie, running down the stairs and hugging me tightly.

"Hey Nat!" I laughed, pulling away.

"It's been so long since I saw you last!" Natalie exclaimed.

"I know! We'll have to go on a little shopping spree soon." I winked at Natalie who giggled.

I heard footsteps come behind us and I turned to see my 17-year old brother, Chris, walking towards me.

"Hey Chris!" I hugged him. Gosh, when did he get so tall?!

"Hi, Bec!" He smiled genuinely at me as we pulled away.

"So, how are you guys doing?" I asked them as we walked into a separate room to our parents, shutting the door.

"We're good! How are things with you?" They queried.

"Life's good at the moment, thanks!" I beamed.

"We never get to see you anymore, Bec." Natalie sighed, playing with her long blonde hair.

"I know." I sighed. "We'll definitely have to get together soon though!" I promised them as Mom called us for dinner.

We all sat around the MASSIVE dining table, and my parents' butler brought us our food: fillet steak, baby potatoes and salad.

The food was so....HEALTHY. I was seriously craving a McDonald's at that moment.

"So, Rebecca," My mom began. She used the full name AGAIN. "How's your job going?"

"It's fantastic!" I exclaimed. 'I seriously have the best job in the world!" I sighed happily and dreamily.

"Well, it's nice that you think so, dear." my mom said, sending me a false smile.

"Any boys on the scene at the moment?" She went on to ask.

I inwardly groaned. My mom thinks that I have to have a boyfriend to be happy. No! It doesn't work like that!

Although, I'm not saying I WOULDN'T love a boyfriend...*cough* Riker *cough*.

"No." I answered simply, stuffing my face with steak after.

"I wish you'd stayed with that lovely young man. What's his name, Jacob?" My mother pondered.

Oh my gosh, why bring him into this?!

A while ago, my mother set me up with her friend's son, Jacob. He had blonde spiky hair and deep brown eyes.

Let's get to the point: he was a self-obsessive asshole. I broke up with him after a week!

I didn't reply, just swirled my salad around my plate.

Small talk was exchanged, and I couldn't wait to get out of the house. My parents annoy me so much!

Finally, after what seemed like a century, the dinner was over and I was ready to leave.

I said goodbye to my dad, who just grunted and turned the page of his newspaper.

I hugged Natalie and Chris, promising for us to meet up soon. I felt sorry for them. They had to live with my mom!

My mother walked to the door with me.

"I'll speak to you soon, darling!" She exclaimed, giving me a quick hug before practically pushing me out of the door and shutting it quickly behind her.

"Well, goodbye to you too." I muttered to myself as I walked to my car.

I thought deeply as I drove the small drive to my apartment.

Whenever I'm with my parents, I feel so isolated and intimidated by them. Why can't they just accept the fact that I am what I am, and they can't change that?!

I sighed as I pulled up outside my apartment block and walked into the lobby, where I immediately saw the middle-aged, rather tubby doorman, Benny.

"Hey, Bec!" He gave me a little wave as I greeted him warmly and walked into the elevator.

I pushed the 'P' button in the elevator and the machine slowly began to rise, taking me higher and higher up into the sky.

The doors opened with a ping, and I walked down a small corridor until I got to my penthouse.

Yes, that's right, I own the penthouse here!

I walked in, locking the door behind me, and flicked on the lights.

My penthouse was all open-plan: black and white contemporary kitchen, with an island in the centre and many cabinets; a small dining area as I was the only one living in the penthouse; a huge living room with a glass window stretching all the way to the top of the two-storey apartment, with a 72' flat plasma TV, black leather couches and a glass coffee table; 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms; a study; and my very own walk-in wardrobe, complete with full-length mirror and makeup/hair station! All the doors and the window frames were made out of black wood.

I quickly hung up my clothes and changed into sweatpants and a tank top, and sat down on the sofa with a glass of ice water in one hand and the TV remote in the other.

THIS is the real me, and if my parents don't like it, then they can leave my life forever!

A/N: sorry, I know this is shitty, it's only a filler chapter!:/

I'll do a proper chapter next update!:)


Em :) x

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