Chapter 34: The Aftermath

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*Riker's POV*

We were currently in Nevada and were sitting on the tour bus. Rocky and Amber were cuddled up on the end of the sofa, Rydel, Ryland and Ratliff were all asleep in the bunks, Denise and I were sitting together and Ross was listening to music on his phone. Everything was quiet until Amber's phone started ringing.

"Hello?" She answered wearily since it was around 11pm.

Her face turned pale. "W-What?"

Rocky and I looked at each other confusingly. What was going on?!

"O-Ok, I'll be over as soon as I can. Ok, thank you. Bye."

Amber's eyes were glistening with tears and her hands were shaking as she put her phone down.

"Woah, babe, what's wrong?!" Rocky asked her concernedly, hugging her to his chest more.

"B-Becca's in the hospital. That was the doctor calling me." She stuttered.

My stomach dropped and my head started spinning. What if something was seriously wrong?!

"I've gotta leave now, L.A is a 4 hour drive away." Amber stood up and began picking up all of her belongings.

"Did the doctors say what was wrong with her?" I asked, my voice quiet.

Amber shook her head. "All they said was that I needed to get there ASAP. I'll take my car."

Amber got her things and said goodbye to everybody pretty quickly before leaving.

I ran a hand through my hair anxiously. My head was making me worry about Becca when it shouldn't. I have Denise and I shouldn't be thinking about Becca, but I can't help it.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Denise asked me, clearly exasperated. "You've been really distant these past couple of days."

I sighed heavily. "Nothing, I'm fine." I managed to force out a weak smile.

Denise rolled her eyes. "Ok, I'm gonna head to bed." She kissed me quickly. "Night babe."

Denise stood up and walked off toward the bunks, leaving me alone.

I put my head in my hands and shut my eyes, trying to get Becca out of my head.

It was no use, and that was when I realised that I still loved Becca. No matter how much she hurt me, I know it wasn't her intention and I should've listened to her. I didn't feel the spark with Denise like I used to feel with Becca. When I kissed Denise, I felt a few sparks, but when I used to kiss Becca, my whole body erupted in fireworks.

I still loved Becca. But what was I gonna do?

*Becca's POV*

I heard quiet beeps circling around me, and the slight shuffle of shoes. My eyes were shut so I couldn't see anything. What happened to me?

The beeps were getting louder, and I slowly began to open my eyes. I saw white everywhere, and when my eyes adjusted, I noticed I was in a hospital bed.

What the hell happened?!

Then I saw a figure sitting on one of he cold hard chairs in the corner of the room. I noticed the blonde hair and immediately knew it was Amber.

I shifted a bit in the bed and groaned as I stretched. Amber's head shot up and looked at me.


"Hi." My voice was hoarse and quiet.

"Oh my god, you're ok!" Amber rushed over and hugged me lightly since she didn't want to hurt me.

"What happened to me?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"I'll, uh, I'll let the doctor explain it to you." Amber's eyes became sad as tears began to form in them.

I was so confused. What actually happened?!

"I'll go get the doctor." Amber shot me a sad smile before rushing out to get the doctor.

I looked down at myself, trying to work out what was wrong, but I couldn't see anything.

I looked up at the clock on the wall, which said the time was 2am.

I was so confused when the doctor walked in, and I was desperate to know some answers.

"Ah, Miss.Hudson, glad to see you're awake. I'm Doctor Peters." The doctor smiled at me.

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"Well, last night you were walking back from your photoshoot, and you got cornered by a young man, isn't that right?" Doctor Peters questioned me.

"Yeah, I remember that."

"Ok, good. Now do you remember what happened after that?" The doctor queried, writing down notes on his clipboard.

I shook my head to show I didn't.

"Ok, so last night this man...he assaulted you." The doctor began. "But not physically...sexually."

My eyes widened. "I-I got...raped?"

"I'm afraid so." The doctor sent me a small weak smile. "You blacked out afterwards and somebody found you and called 911."

It was all coming back to me. The pain, the screaming for help. Everything. I remembered everything.

Tears began streaming down my face. "Oh my god." I sobbed into my hands. Amber was immediately by my side, rubbing my back lightly with her hand. I flinched at first, but then relaxed as my tears continued falling.

"I'll leave you too alone. I'll be back in a little while to check everything's ok." I heard the doctor say before he left the room.

"Hey, hey, it's ok." Amber cooed, trying to calm me down.

"W-Why do things always happen to me?!" I cried, the tears seemingly ever-lasting.

"Calm down, honey, it's gonna be ok." Amber said quietly as I started hyperventilating. "Deep breaths."

I breathed in and out slowly, and after a long while, I eventually calmed down. My breathing was still uneven and I was hiccuping.

If Riker was here, he would've calmed me down within a few seconds. He was the only one to calm me down, and not having him here made me feel even more alone than usual.


Hope you like it guys;)

Em :) x

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