Chapter 46: Relief

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*Becca's POV*

I snuck up the driveway, discreetly passing their car and trying to hide. I didn't want them to look out of the window and see me. It would spoil everything.

I had got back from Dallas around 5 hours ago. The airport was finally up and running again and I could leave. I know I left the small amount of carnage behind, but I needed to get back home. I hadn't spoken to Riker or any of the Lynches for two weeks. I tried my best, but there was no way I was able to communicate with them.

So now I was surprising them, sneaking up to their house. They probably weren't ever going to expect it, and I couldn't wait to see their faces!

Anyway, I made my way to the door, and knocked a few times.

Rydel answered the door, a grim look on her face. Her eyes almost popped out of her head and her mouth dropped open.

"BE-!" I stopped her by putting my hand over her mouth.

"Shh, I don't want anyone to know I'm here yet! It's a surprise." I whispered, chuckling a little.

Rydel pulled me inside and into a huge hug. "Thank God you're ok." She said into my neck. "We've all been really worried."

I chuckled. "I've been absolutely fine. There's just been no telephone or electricity wires connected."

Rydel nodded in understanding. "Riker's been so worried about you. He's been crying, like, everyday."

My eyes widened. "Seriously?!"

Rydel smiled a little. "Yeah. He just wanted you back safe."

I blushed a little, but quickly covered it up as Rydel dragged me to the living room where I could hear many of the boys' voices.

I slyly looked around the corner to see the news channel on the TV, and the whole of the boys, plus Ratliff, were sitting around on the sofas watching it.

Riker was sitting in between Rocky and Ross, and had his hands tucked under his chin as he leant on his thighs to look eagerly as the TV.

"He does this everyday. He literally just sits and watches the news to see if there's any sign of you." Rydel whispered. I smiled a little, trying to hide my red tinted cheeks.

"C'mon." Rydel pulled me behind her so I was out of view from the boys.

"Hey Riker." Rydel called my boyfriend, and I could hear the grin on her face, if that's even possible.

"Yeah?" Riker's voice was strained and he sounded tired.

"I've got a surprise for you." Rydel announced, and with that she moved out of the way to reveal me standing there.

Riker's eyes widened like saucers as I smiled at him. He ran straight towards me with tears in his eyes, almost tripping over Ryland's foot, before getting to me and grabbing me in the tightest hug anyone's ever given me.

Riker sobbed loudly into my neck as he held my waist as tightly as possible. I held his head in my hands as we rocked back and forth a little, trying to hold my own tears in.

I noticed everyone leaving the room, giving me small smiles as they went, until it was just Riker and I left.

"B-Bec." Riker sobbed, clutching me as if I were to break at any second.

"Shh, Rik, babe it's ok." I whispered in his ear as he continued crying.

"N-No, you're not here. Y-You can't be." Riker cried into my neck.

I laughed tearfully, tears rolling down my face. "Babe, I'm here."

Riker lifted his head slightly and I could see the tears still rolling off of his face.

He cupped my face in his hands. "I-I thought you w-were d-dead!" He whimpered, more tears falling as he leant his forehead on mine.

I covered my hands over his. "I'm not. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm back." I reassured him, blinking away tears that fell down my face.

"I got so s-scared because I didn't h-hear anything from y-you. I t-thought you were g-gone." Riker started crying again, and I hugged him tightly once more.

I frowned into Riker's shoulder as he cried. I've never seen Riker so upset; he must've been really scared.

"I-I love you so much." Riker was taking deep breaths, trying to calm his breathing and level it with mine.

"I love you too, babe." I kissed the side of Riker's head lightly.

Riker lifted his head and kissed me quickly for a few seconds. I smile into the kiss as we pulled away, Riker mirroring me.

We pulled out of the hug and Riker picked me up and placed me on his lap as he sat down on the couch.

I looked at his face, still stained with tears, and smile a little as I started to wipe them away.

"You were really upset, huh?" I said quietly.

Riker pulled me closer to him. "I just-I didn't want to lose you, especially not now I've got you back."

I finished wiping Riker's tears away and started on mine. Riker took my hands away and wiped my terms away himself.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise." I replied eventually.

Riker smiled weakly at me, kissing my forehead and hugged me to his chest again.

His breathing was still uneven, and he was shaking a little, but he was alright overall.

I just smiled against his shoulder, tucking my head into his neck.

It felt good to be home again.

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