Chapter 23: You're Special To Me

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A/N: this is a pretty long chapter guys!:)

*Becca's POV*

Riker and I were watching TV, my body tucked into his side with his arm around me, when Natalie and Chris walked in.

"Hey guys! You ready to go?" I asked them.

"Yep!" Natalie replied, an excited smile on her face. She looked beautiful: galaxy printed skinny jeans and a black peplum top with black strappy heels. Her R5 necklace was around her neck and she had pulled her hair up into a high backcombed ponytail. She'd covered her bruises well with foundation and concealer.

Chris looked great too: dark green Ralph Lauren polo and denim skinny jeans with black converse. His hair was slightly gelled and he had his black leather jacket over his shirt.

"You guys look great!" I told my brother and sister as I untangled myself from Riker.

"Thank you." They beamed as I slipped on my converse. I then turned to Riker.

"Do you wanna come with, babe? Or are you gonna stay here?" I queried.

Riker thought for a moment before replying, "Nah, I'm ok, I'll wait for you here, babe."

"Ok, I'll see you in a little while. Call me if you need me, you know where everything is." I kissed him lightly before exiting with Natalie and Chris.

We drove to the party, Chris giving me directions as we went, and after many wrong turns and laughter, we arrived outside.

"Ok guys, give me a call or text me later, let me know what time I'm picking you up." I gave them both hugs before they got out of the car and walked into the house. The only sound outside was the beat of the music coming from within.

I drove home fairly slowly as the traffic seemed to build up quickly. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently and in time to the music quietly escaping the car speakers.

Eventually, after a long 20 minutes of moving at a snail's place, the traffic died down and I was able to drive home quicker. It was dark by the time I got home.

I checked the time: 9:15pm. I groaned slightly. Time had gone by so fast!

I walked through the silent lobby and up to my apartment, where I knocked on the door softly.

Riker opened the door a small distance, sticking his head through the tiny gap.

"May I help you?" He smirked, his glasses balancing perfectly on his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Just let me in, you doof."

Riker grinned widely and opened the door fully, letting me in.

I walked in but soon stopped, gazing around my living room in awe.

While I was away, Riker had put tons of blankets all over the floor in front of my sofa, a pile of DVDs on the coffee table and candles everywhere, the aromas escaping them imminent. All the lights were switched off, leaving the candles light up the dark room.

"T-This...This is just...Wow." I couldn't get my words out. I was in shock. Riker did all this for me?

Riker came up behind me, his arms wrapping around me tightly, his chin on my shoulder, his head resting against mine.

"Do you like it? I thought we could have a movie night since we're alone for a few hours, and I thought I'd surprise you." Riker whispered in my ear.

I spun around in his arms. "This is perfect. I love it, thank you babe." I kissed him quickly. "Did you seriously do all this for me?"

Riker nodded, taking my hand in his and leading me over to the blanket kingdom on the floor.

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