Chapter 13: Disaster

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A/N: I'm sorry in advance for this chapter.

*Becca's POV*

"Wait, we're gonna gate-crash your mom's party?" Rocky asked.

I nodded. "That's a great idea. I need her to see that I'm not gonna stop seeing my own brother and sister!"

"Your mom isn't being fair, she needs to let you at least speak to your siblings!" Riker exclaimed, slipping his had through mine under the table.

"Ok, so we need a plan." Ross stated, and we all discussed how we were going to carry out this plan.

Eventually, we all came to an agreement and decided to head back to the Lynches' house.

Once we were there, Riker and I decided to have a chill out in his room. I flopped on his bed and he jumped next to me.

"I'm actually kinda scared to crash the party." Riker laughed nervously.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. What's the worst that can happen?" I reassured Riker as I placed a hand on his arm.

"I just wish your parents had a little more faith in you." Riker sighed.

"I know, so do I." I nodded. "But if they can't accept who I am, then screw them!"

Riker laughed and hugged me. "You always make the best out of bad situations."

"Yeah, I'm good like that." I popped my imaginary collar, making Riker chuckle.

We talked and laughed for a whole before we met the rest of the Lynches, plus Ratliff, downstairs. We were ready to go.

"Let's go crash this shit!" Rocky yelled as we all trooped out of the house and got into the Lynches' van. Ross and Rocky in the front; Rydel, Riker and I in the middle; and Ratliff and Ryland in the back.

I gave Rocky directions to my parents' house, and as we pulled up in the driveway, we saw an array of cars alongside ours and I could hear the faint beat of music.

"You ready?" Riker's voice made me jump. I turned to him as we got out of the car.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I shrugged. Riker kissed me quickly before grabbing my hand, leading us to the door of my parents' house, the rest of the Lynches and Ratliff behind us.

I knocked sharply on the door and waited a few seconds. Nobody answered.

"They probably can't hear the door over the music." Rydel pointed out.

"Hey, there's a little note on the side of the house!" Ratliff exclaimed, gesturing towards a small sign stuck near the door. I looked at it and it said, 'Walk Straight Inside For The Party'.

I facepalmed myself as the others began to laugh. "Well, now I feel stupid."

"Come on, let's go." Riker held out his hand for me to take, and I threaded my fingers through his as we all walked inside my parents' house.

As we walked inside, the music cut off and I could hear the sound of my mother's voice.

"It's coming from there!" Riker whispered, pointing to the large reception room. We snuck towards the door, and my mom's voice got louder.

"It's fantastic to see you all here tonight." She said. "It's amazing to see each and every one of you. I would like to propose a toast to us all, our entire family."

Anger boiled up inside of me, and I saw red. I let go of Riker's hand and stormed into the room.

"Forgetting someone, Mom? Or am I not a part of this family anymore?" I shouted at her, making everybody turn around to look at me and gasp.

"Oh, uh, hello Rebecca." My mom stuttered.

"Ok, one: my name is Becca, not Rebecca. So I would appreciate it if you stopped calling me that. Two: may I ask why I'm not invited to his family party?" I folded my arms over my chest, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Bec, leave it." Chris whispered, standing next to me.

"No! I need to know!" I argued, turning back to my parents.

"Well, Becca, we didn't think this type of party was your thing." My dad shrugged.

"Oh, so just because I don't wear fancy dresses and pearls, you think I'm not gonna want to come to a party?!" My voice got louder.

"Oh please, Becca, you don't like this type of thing anyway." My mother snapped, walking over to me.


"YOU'RE NOT HURTING, YOU'RE JUST A BAD INFLUENCE ON CHRIS AND NATALIE!" Mom screamed back at me. I felt a hand on my arm and I looked over to see Natalie.

"Bec, please drop it. You don't know what Mom can be like." Natalie whispered the last part.

I just shook my head and turned back to my mother.

"I need to ask, why am I not allowed to see my brother and sister anymore?" I questioned.

"Since we're being honest here, I'd better tell the truth." My mom stated. "It's because you're not trustworthy, Becca. You don't live up to my standards, therefore I don't trust you."

I stood speechless in disbelief. "How shallow can you get?!" I yelled, tears pricking my eyes. "To be honest, you're the only mother I've got, but not the one I want!"

I spun on my heel and began to walk away towards the door when I felt something sharp touch my neck.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Natalie yelled at the person behind me.

"MOM, STOP!" Chris screamed, trying to get to my mom and me, but being held back by distant family members.

"Dear, please calm down." My dad said nervously.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Riker and the others came rushing in.

"Aw, is this your boyfriend, Becca?" My mom whispered, her breath making my whole body tense up. I tried to reply but couldn't. She had me in a headlock.

"I may as well tell you now, since we are all telling the truth." She started, digging the sharp object further into my neck. I shoved her off me, making her stumble.

"Oh yeah? And what is it that you want to tell me?" I snapped, walking backwards into Riker's arms.

"We never wanted you! You were an accident! I thought about having an abortion when I found out I was preganant, but then decided to keep you. Boy, should I have gotten rid of you back then." My mom snarled and growled. "Well, might as well get rid of you now."

Before I knew it, my mom was running towards me, and I saw what sharp object had been piercing my neck earlier. A knife.

She ran towards me, pointing the knife right at me, and I held my hands out to try and stop her, closing my eyes, when I felt nothing but heard a huge scream.

I opened my eyes and looked down at the floor, gasping.

"NATALIE!" I screeched, running out of Riker's grasp and to her side.

She was lying on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding the top half of her body.

I tried to find a pulse, but I felt nothing.

"Call 911 NOW!" Chris yelled at someone as he bent down next to me.

I cried into his shirt, holding Natalie's freezing cold hand as tightly as I could.

A/N: I said I was sorry in advance.

So! what's gonna happen to Natalie? Until next update!


Em :) x

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