Chapter 2

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Third Person

Gumball sighed, exiting his lab and heading to his bedroom in hopes to escape his flirtatious friend. Unfortunately, Marshall Lee's persistent nature just made him follow the Candy Prince.

"Marshall, please! Don't you have some sort of music event you should be at!?" Gumball snapped, turning to face the one getting on his nerves.

"I do actually. That's why I'm here. I wanted you to come to my concert," he explained, now making his frustrated friend feel guilty for snapping.

Gumball rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, leaning his head back slightly.

"Marshall, I can't today. I'm really far behind on my experiments and I need this time to catch up," Gumball apologized, setting his notes down on the desk in his bedroom.

"Well... That's fine...  Not like I was asking anyway..." the mischievous vampire replied, confusing the already flustered male.

With one swift movement, Marshall had grabbed Gumball and thrown him over his shoulder before flying out the window. The candy prince let out a shriek of terror from his phobia of heights. Marshall chuckled softly, keeping his hold on the petrified male.

"Marshall!!! What in Glob's name are you doing!? Put me down this instance!!!" Gumball screamed, being on the verge of tears from his fear of heights.

Marshall flew over the forest, ignoring the scared boy's pleas. To him, it was nothing to fly at deadly heights because he did it constantly, but to Gumball, it was the most terrifying thing in the world. And while it felt like hours to him, it was really only a few minutes.

Marshall brought Gumball down to the ground where he nearly crumbled from terror. His knees gave out and the vampire had to catch him.

"Relax, we're on the ground now," he said calmly, steadying the only guest he actually cared to perform to.

"Easy for you to say! You're not the one with a major fear of heights! You fly around all the time! I was scared out of my mind that you would drop me and I would die!" the Candy Prince screeched, punching Marshall's arm out of anger for such actions.

Marshall rolled his eyes and pulled the frustrated gum boy deeper into the woods until the reached an opening with a stage. The vampire-demon hybrid got up onto the stage and did his usual introduction to get the audience hyped up before starting his first song.

Gumball stood at the very back of the crowd and kept his head down. He was already here so he wasn't going to leave, but he didn't exactly feel like being at a concert.

"La da da da da
I'm gonna bury you in the ground
La da da da da
I'm gonna bury you with my sound
I'm gonna, drink the red
From your pretty pink face
I'm gonna

Oh, you don't like that?
Or you just not like me?

Sorry I don't treat you like a God
Is that what you want me to do?
Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect
Like all your little loyal subjects do
Sorry I'm not made of sugar
Am I not sweet enough for you?

Is that why you always avoid me?
I must be such an inconvenience to you!
Well, I'm just your problem!
Well, I'm just your problem
It's like I'm not even a person, am I?
I'm just your problem
I shouldn't have to justify what I do
I shouldn't have to prove anything to you

I'm sorry that I exist
I forget what landed me on your black list but
I shouldn't have to be the one
Who makes up with you, so
Why do I want to?
Why do I want to?

I don't have a clue
I'm asking you, so
Why do I want to?

And I guess that's why
I gonna bury you in the ground
And baby that's, why
I wanna bury you with my sound

I'm sorry that it's this way
I don't know what to else to say
'Cause I didn't mean to push all my friends away

'Cause I'm just your problem
And, I'm just your problem," Marshall sang, making Gumball realize that the song was about him.

The two would need to talk after the concert was over.

My Sweet Prince [GumLee Mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now