Chapter 16

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Third Person

The news had sent Gumball into a shock-like state. He was blanking, shutting down even. He felt dizzy and like he might pass out.

Marshall Lee, however, was trying to snap him out of it. The vampire was very good at keeping a poker face and his feelings about the situation were nearly impossible to read. But he wasn't upset. He would love to have a family with Gumball. The only problem was timing.

Gumball wasn't eighteen yet. Their relationship could get him exiled from the kingdom if any small detail slipped out. But the whole thing would be a long and horribly complex process. The council of the kingdoms would meet and have a very long discussion over what to do about the situation.

"Gumball... Gummy, are you alright?" Marshall asked slowly, shaking his lover's shoulder gently.

Gumball didn't speak. He wasn't sure how to react. There was half-living being growing inside of him. He couldn't even begin to process the emotions he was feeling.

One feeling was happiness; having a family with Marshall Lee was something he would want. Another was fear; the possibility of getting exiled, Marshall being unhappy, and the thought of being a parent caused those. The final emotion was anxiousness; the thought of the Council of the Kingdoms deciding his fate for the throne always churned his stomach.

"Gumball, can you hear me?" the vampire asked, snapping his fingers a few times near the other's ear in hopes to get his attention.

"Y-... Yes..." the candy boy said slowly, still seeming distant in thought.

Marshall hugged him and played with his hair to try and help, which wasn't doing much at the moment. Gumball was in too much shock to be calm. His heart was racing, which the vampire could hear. Thoughts were bouncing through his mind as fast as they could form, leaving him a flustered mess.

"It's okay Gumball... It's alright... I'm not going anywhere, okay?" the vampire said softly, hearing the other's thoughts.

The Candy Prince buried his face into Marshall's neck and locked his fingers into his hair. He was a tornado of emotions. He couldn't process them properly at all.

"It isn't okay Marshall...! If the Council found out...! If you left...! And what if I can't be a good parent...?!" Gumball cried, hugging the other tighter because of all his fears in the situation.

"Sh-sh-sh... It'll be okay, Gummy... The Council won't find out... Pound Cake can't tell anyone, it's doctor-patient confidentiality... Don't worry, you'll be a great parent... And I'm not going to leave you because of this... I'm actually kind of, happy... Sure, the timing isn't that great, but we'll make it work... I love you, Gumball," Marshall spoke softly in a calm and comforting tone.

The crying boy sniffled and wiped his eyes, feeling a bit better due to his lover. He always knew just want to say to make him feel better.

"I love you too, Marshall..." he replied softly.

Marshall kissed the other's lips softly and held him close. Even if it wasn't the best scenario, they would make it work.

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