Chapter 15

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Third Person

"Gumball, I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you, trust me. It's just... I don't want to lose you..." Marshall said softly once Pound Cake had left.

Gumball shared a tiny smile and hugged the vampire, finding it sweet that he cared that much for him.

"You're not going to lose me, Marshall, I promise," the prince replied, hugging his boyfriend.

He sighed softly and hugged back, truly hoping that it was true. The vampire didn't know what he would do without Gumball. Where would he even be if he didn't have him in his life?

Marshall would probably still be writing music; sad songs about his past and family issues. Every night a new concert, new people. He would probably travel the land of Aaa, leaving his mark all over just for the hell of it. But he would be lonely for sure. Just because Marshall liked the party life didn't mean he wanted to spend all his time doing it. He would be miserable without Gumball. The thought of his life without Gumball really put things into perspective for him.

"I better not... You're the only good thing I have and I can't imagine myself without you..." Marshall spoke softly, kissing his partner's forehead.

Gumball smiled and the two separated as Pound Cake returned. She drew some sugary blood and performed other tests, all of which the prince despised.

"I'll be back soon with the results..." she said, leaving to interpret her data.

The two sighed, seeing as there were still no answers to why Gumball was feeling the way he did. The more time that passed the more Marshall worried. Gumball could see his worry and patted the bed next to him, signaling for him to sit down.

"Marshall, you don't have to worry so much. I'm sure it's just a bug or something..." the candy boy spoke softly, pulling his love close.

"But... What if it's not a bug? What if it's something bad? I don't know what I'd do if I lost you... You're the only good thing in my life... I've lost so much already and I can't lose you too..." Marshall explained a worried tone in his voice as his eyes glossed over with tears.

Gumball felt his heart sink to the lowest part of his chest. He didn't want to Marshall to feel like he would lose him too. Gumball never wanted to leave or lose him, in any way. He wasn't sure how or if he could even live without Marshall at this point.

"Marshall, you're not gonna lose me. I promise. If it's something other than a bug I'll do whatever it takes to get better. I'm not going to allow myself to abandon you like that. I love you, Marshall..." the candy boy replied, hugging his partner.

"I love you too, Gummy," the vampire replied, hugging and holding the other close.

The two stayed that way until Pound Cake returned. The expression on her face hid all the clues to Gumball's condition.

"I can't find anything wrong with him per say, but... His hormone levels are a bit higher than they should be, specifically his estrogen," she explained, reading off her clipboard.

The two gave each other a confused glance, unsure of what that meant.

"Well, what does that mean... And... Isn't estrogen a female hormone?" Marshall asked, being a bit confused about that.

Gumball quickly explained that both males and females have estrogen, it's just lower in males. Which helped clear up any confusion or misconceptions.

"Well, what it means is... Gumball is pregnant..."

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