Chapter 20

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Third Person

A few days later Fiona decided to come around again. And this time she was interrupting some personal business of Marshall Lee and Gumball. She walked in while they were at mid-kiss.

Her jaw dropped and something inside of her seemed broken. It was her heart. Now she realized why the two never wanted her around. It's because they always wanted to be with each other.

"F-Fiona!" Gumball exclaimed, pulling away from Marshall.

"Oh, my Glob you guys! What are you doing!?" she screeched, drawing her sword.

The two gave each other worried looks before turning back and facing her blade. They weren't sure what to do or say. What would calm her down?

Cake, on the other hand, was very excited. She always wanted the two to end up together and now they finally had. She wasn't going to let Fiona break them up.

"Fiona calm down! They're in a relationship!" Cake replied, growing to a larger size and standing in front of them.

Fiona wasn't exactly sure what to do after that. She slowly lowered her blade and her facial expression softened.

If her two best friends were in love, where would that leave her? Fiona wasn't exactly good with relationships and wasn't around them very often, but if Marshall and Gumball were always together, where did that leave time for her?

It wouldn't leave time for Fiona at all. The two would always want to be together. There would be no room for her adventures. She would be forgotten and they wouldn't be her friend anymore. She didn't want that.

The thought of her friends abandoning her made her angry. She drew her blade again, ready to strike.

"No! I won't lose my only friends!" the human girl yelled, ready to swing her sword at any moment.

Gumball stood up slowly and walked around Cake's side, touching her arm gently to know it was okay. Marshall, however, was stressing about the fact that Fiona had the opportunity to kill them.

"Fiona, it's okay... You're not going to lose us... We'll still hang out, just... Not right now, okay? We wouldn't abandon you just because we're in a relationship... Now, will you please put your sword down?" Gumball spoke calmly, taking a few steps closer and slowly beginning to slide the blade from her hands.

Fiona was just about to let him have it before she pulled back and swung, cutting the candy prince's hands and nearly slicing his torso.

Marshall then realized and quickly pulled Gumball back, pushing Fiona so hard that she fell flat on her butt. She huffed and growled, attempting to cut Marshall.

The two fought for a moment before the banana guards came in and dragged Fiona out of the room, preparing to throw her and Cake into the dungeon.

"Wait! Please! Don't throw Fiona and Cake in the dungeon... Just... Escort her out of the kingdom, please... Let's not make this any worse..." Gumball pleaded to the guards, not wanting to make the situation any worse than it already was.

They nodded and took her to the edge of the kingdom before returning. Marshall dressed the cuts on the Candy Prince's hands before sighing.

The day had gone from good to bad in a matter of minutes, all because Fiona got jealous. Perhaps they would have to give up their friendship with her after all.

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