Chapter 31

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Third Person

Fiona managed to stay hidden from all the banana guards. They weren't smart enough to search everywhere. So when they gave the report that she wasn't in the castle she decided to use that to her advantage.

She may not have been smart in a book or common sense way, but she was smart in a strategic way. Any advantage she was given she would take; the kingdom's new favorite couple thinking she was gone being one of them. 

"At least she's gone..." Gumball said softly, resting his head on Marshall's chest.

"Yeah... But I'm not gonna let my guard down for the next few hours... 'Cause no offense, but the banana guards aren't always the best at their job..." Marshall replied, teasing the other's gummy hair.

"Yeah, I know..."

The Candy Prince slowly started to doze while the other stayed awake. He was going to watch and make sure nothing bad would happen.

Marshall didn't ever really trust Fiona to begin with. He always thought she was strange, but not in a good way. He wasn't too trusting of her in the beginning and certainly didn't like Gumball being around her. But since they were friends he had decided not to interfere. Now he was wishing he had. If he had taken care of the human earlier then he wouldn't have to be worrying about her now. Sure, she might be the last human in the land of Aaa, but perhaps it would be a good thing if she weren't around. There was obviously a reason why there were no other humans around. She would end up the same way eventually, whether it was today or in twenty years from now.

The vampire kept a sharp eye out for the human, being ready to strike at any moment. If she even thought of coming into the room he would hear her thoughts and kill her within seconds. He couldn't let Fiona hurt the one he loved.

But as time passed eventually they were both asleep. Marshall only really slept around Gumball, otherwise, he was a complete insomniac. Something about the one he loved made him comfortable and seeing him sleep made the vampire want to do the same. So now they were both asleep.

Fiona crept up the stairs and reached the door, blade in hand. She slowly opened the door, stopping when she had enough room to slip through. When she noticed the two asleep she smirked, knowing her plan could work.

Fiona walked up at the same time that Gumball had started to wake up. Once he saw her he was fully awake, in shock that the human was in his bedroom.

She put a finger to her lips, gesturing for him to be quiet. Out of fear, he did as she wanted. Fiona managed to lure him out of the room and down the hall.

During this time Marshall's eyes flew open. He could hear Gumball's thoughts of distress and quickly rushed to the other's aid.

Fiona muttered a curse and began running, keeping her sword pressed against his throat.

"Let him go, Fiona!" the vampire yelled, being infuriated by the human's sick little game.

"No! He's mine now!" she yelled back, turning in a swift movement that could have slit Gumball's throat if more pressure had been applied to the blade.

The vampire growled, knowing the girl wouldn't give up without a fight. Using his ability of teleportation, Marshall used it to get the one he loved out of harm's way. Once safe, he pushed him into a room and locked it from the outside in an attempt to keep him safe.

Gumball hit the door a few times, trying to get out because small enclosed spaces made him paranoid.

"Marshall let me out!" He yelled but was ignored as the one he called for and the human were about to fight.

Fiona swung first, slicing through Marshall's flannel shirt and cutting his abdomen. He growled at her and as he healed his wound, giving a slightly sadistic grin.

The vampire then vanished and reappeared behind the human, putting her in a headlock. She struggled, squirming from the amount of pressure on her neck. She was losing oxygen fast and would die soon, but that wasn't enough. Marshall knew from experience that you should always do something to make sure the one you're killing won't be back.

With one quick snap and the sound of ripping flesh, Fiona's head separated from her body. She was dead. All the conflicts they had over dumb reasons had lead to this moment. The last known human of Aaa was dead.

The vampire released Gumball from the room and nearly fainted when he saw the fate of his former friend. The day had had ups and downs, but would definitely never be forgotten.

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