Chapter 12

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Third Person

Over the next several days Gumball had started to feel sick. He figured it was some sort of stomach bug that would pass with time, but it didn't seem to be letting up. Then it got worse.

It went from some small abdominal pains to violent vomiting spells. Gumball was beginning to worry but didn't want to involve anyone other than himself in this. Unfortunately, that would be nearly impossible. He was in the castle, whose staff knew almost everything. The chances of this remaining a secret were slim to none.

Plus there was Marshall. He would come back soon to see him. Sure, Gumball was just sick, but he wouldn't want Marshall to worry. He didn't particularly like being the center of attention. Although, that was a bit hard when he was the prince, and only heir, to the Candy Kingdom.

But he managed to pull himself together by the time that Marshall arrived at the castle. Sure, he didn't look his greatest, but that's what being sick does to a person.

"Hey Gummy, you okay?" Marshall asked, seeing that his partner didn't look well.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine... I've just been a little sick the last few days..." Gumball explained softly, hugging his boyfriend for comfort.

The vampire hugged back, taking his sick lover to bed for rest. Gumball didn't like rest, especially because of his work. He practically resented it.

"Marshall, really, I'm okay. It's just a stomach bug or something... I don't want you to fuss over me..." the Candy Prince said softly, not wanting to be a big deal.

"It's fine Gummy. Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't care about you being sick?" Marshall replied, pulling the other close and hugging his waist.

Gumball sighed softly and laid his head on Marshall's chest. The vampire smiled, teasing the other's gummy hair, causing him to let out a small purr.

"If you've been sick for the past few days, why haven't you gone to the infirmary?" Marshall asked, figuring someone knew he was sick.

"I just don't want to cause a lot of fuss... I'm okay... I don't need to go to the infirmary."

The vampire sighed and nuzzled his love, seeing as he might need comfort to feel better. Although it did help Gumball feel a bit better, he still didn't want Marshall to feel like he had to take care of him.

"Gummy, it's fine. It's not a problem. I just want you to feel better," the vampire replied, using his ability to tap into other's thoughts to give his lover a piece of mind.

The sick boy huffed softly. He didn't particularly like when Marshall invaded his thoughts, but it wasn't like he could really do anything about it. And it was sort of sweet in a way. At least the vampire only read his mind when he wanted to help.

"Alright... If you say so..." Gumball replied softly.

Marshall smiled and kissed the other's forehead before they both ended up falling asleep in each other's arms.

My Sweet Prince [GumLee Mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now