Chapter 28

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Third Person

The sun came up the next morning and ripped Gumball from his slumber. He was dreading the next few hours of his life. He wished he could just skip through them and then delete them all.

Marshall woke up when his partner did, knowing that he would be stressing. The vampire hugged his waist and kissed his cheek to try and help.

"This really sucks, Marshall..." he mumbled softly, burying his face into the other's shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay... Trust me, Gummy," Marshall replied, hugging him closer.

Gumball sighed softly, starting to get dressed. It wasn't long before they two needed to leave. Although the candy prince was truly dreading going to the meeting.

Peppermint Maid hugged Gumball tightly, tears in her eyes. She feared that she may never see him again. Losing her son, even if he wasn't biologically hers, still broke her sweet candy heart.

"You better come home Bubba Gumball," she said sternly, her voice cracking because of her tears.

"I-I'll try... Peppermint Maid..." he replied softly, hugging her back.

Before they left Marshall whispered in her ear and her tears seemed to stop. He told her that he had found what they needed but that Gumball didn't know yet. He wanted it to be a surprise. Sure, it did make Gumball worry, but he would be ecstatic when he found out.

The two walked to the meeting place of the Council. The Candy Prince's anxiety was skyrocketing and he was far beyond nervous. He knew he was going to be exiled. He was trying to mentally prepare himself, but it wasn't exactly working.

Once the meeting began Gumball's anxiety only became worse. He couldn't prepare himself for what was happening, but it was his kingdom. He would have to stand up and announce that there was no rule that canceled out the first one.

Gumball sighed and stood up, his emotions creating a twisted and cruel roller coaster within him. Just as he was about to start, Marshall stood up and touched his shoulder.

"I found it," Marshall interrupted, sliding a small book across the table.

Gumball nearly had a coronary when he heard that Marshall had found what they were searching for.

"Page two-hundred-ninety-four," the vampire continued, grabbing his guitar, that he always had with him, beginning to strum it.

He didn't exactly take the meetings seriously, but that didn't matter. Others checked the page and Ice Queen read the page aloud.

"No heir shall be in a same-sex relationship with any living being under the age of eighteen. If this is violated, the heir shall lose his or her throne and be exiled."

"And because I'm the son of a vampire and a demon, I'm not living. No rule has been broken," Marshall replied smugly, finally having a reason to make him grateful for being what he was.

Gumball hugged him tightly, being relieved that he wasn't going to be banished from his kingdom. The vampire hugged his partner back, feeling satisfied with his work.

This meeting had a very different outcome than expected.

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