Dimples = Deadly Weapon

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When I got out of work, Eilis took me home but only after I have dropped the car in the mechanic. It was a little cold outside. March is definitely not the hottest month of the year. I had a scarf all over my neck and a bonnet covering my golden curly hair. I was very tired, I had to work faster because of my delay. I just wanted to eat something and then watch TV until I fall asleep. I then remembered I had to talk to Matt.

When I arrived home, I ate soup and fruit and then I grabbed my phone. I stared at it for a moment. Should I really say something to him? What if he doesn’t want to talk to me? NO! Brian said he would be happy, they’re friends so Brian must be right. I texted Matt and waited for his answer.

Hey, it’s Annie.. you didn’t say anything since the night at the bar so I thought I should say something. I hope I’m not bothering you, I just wanted to know how you were. Is everything fine? Byee (:

After sending the message, I switched on the TV but moments later my phone told me I had received a text. My heart started to beat fast; I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen anxious – 1 text from Mom.

“GREAT!..” I said sarcastically. “I thought it was Matt.” I couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

I called my mom after seeing the message and we talked for several minutes. My mom lived in LA, it wasn’t that far from Huntington Beach but she called me a lot. When our talk was over I still had zero messages. Maybe Brian was wrong; maybe Matt doesn’t really want to talk to me. I was sad.. Every single minute I would check my phone.. still nothing. I ended up by falling asleep in the couch with my TV on. In the middle of the night I woke up because of the TV sound. It was almost 3 am. I grabbed my phone and headed upstairs. I brushed my teeth, changed to my pajamas and threw myself onto my bed. So fucking comfortable.
But before turning off the light, I checked my phone once more – 1 text from Matt.

My eyes went wide and suddenly I was perfectly awake with my heart beating really fast. I opened the message.

Hi (: sorry, I was in the studio with the guys. I only saw your message now. I’m sorry for not saying anything, I’ve been a little busy these days. Do you have time for a coffee? You can text me tomorrow, you’re probably sleeping right now so sweet dreams.

OH. MY. GOD. I was screaming inside, I wasn’t sleepy anymore but I had to try to sleep. I wasn’t going to text him now but I wanted so bad! I was really really really excited.

Next morning I was strangely happy. I had decided that I was going to text Matt in the work because now it was too early. I ate breakfast, dressed myself, something warm because it was cold outside, I put some makeup, nothing special, and headed to work by bus.

When I got there I read Matt’s message again but something caught my attention, something that yesterday, with all the excitement, I didn’t notice.
He said he was in the studio with the guys. In the studio? What studio? I had to ask him to discover but not in the message I was about to send.

Hi again! That’s ok, you don’t have to apologize, I understand (: I just wanted to talk to you. Anyway, I’ve got time for a coffee but only after work if that’s okay..

I waited some minutes before he replied.

Oh.. you wanted to talk? You miss me already? My heart was starting to beat fast again and my face had the biggest smile.

Yes, I wanted to talk to you.. now.. about the ‘missing you’ part.. I don’t know.. maybe, maybe not.. I replied.

Well, what if I say that I DO miss you? My heart almost stopped at his message. Was he serious about this? I had to think a little bit before answering.

What if I don’t believe you? You can’t miss me, it’s too impossible. You're just saying that to be nice.

You should believe me, because it’s true. I was speechless, I didn’t know what to think about all of this. I didn’t know if he was being serious. AHH why can’t I read people’s mind? I didn’t reply for some minutes making him text me again.

Did I say something wrong?

No! Of course not, you just let me without words.. I replied.

Ohh.. that’s good I think (: anyway, when are you out of work? He asked.

I guess it's good.. I’m out at 8 pm.

Good to know that :) that’s not a good time for coffee, how about dinner instead of just a simple coffee? He suggested and my heart speeded up even more, if that's possible. A dinner was basically a date, right? Oh god. I was probably being ridiculous but it’s been a while since a guy invites me for something. I’m a little rusty, you know?

Sounds perfect to me (: I just need to go home to dress myself properly and then I’ll be ready.

I bet you’re amazing with the clothes you have right now. You don’t need to change if you don’t want. He said, making me blush. I was blushing because of a text message? Ok I was really a mess.

Are you sure? I’m really not that special..” I replied.

Of course I’m sure. I’ll pick you up at 8 pm. Where’s your work? He asked.

It’s at the Hospital. And where are we going? Do you have any idea

Hospital? Are you a cute little nurse? I'm just kidding ahah.
This message made me laugh. Brian asked exactly the same. Why the guys only think in dirty things? It’s incredible.

Curious.. Brian asked me the same. You guys only think with your head.. but not the head from above..I’m talking about the other one if you get me. LOL

Oww that hurt. I’m not just like that. I was just being funny.. He said trying to excuse himself.

Yeah yeah.. suree. And no! I’m not a nurse. I’m a scientist.

That’s sexy (: Hey I have to go now. I’ll be waiting for you at 6 pm. BYE (: He said, leaving me in the heaven.

I was so exciting about this night. I had to call Eilis. She was crazy of course, even more than me. She wished me luck but I wasn’t expecting something to happen, it was just a dinner.
The day was ending and I was getting really nervous. I looked at the mirror like 100 times before I left.
I went outside and looked around, searching for Matt. That’s when I hear a familiar voice behind me. My heart almost stopped when I turned around and saw Matt, showing his adorable dimples to me.

“Hey..” I managed to say.

“Hi! How are you?” He asked.

“I’m great, just a little bit tired and you?”

“A little tired too but now I’m definitely better.” He said, smiling and making me blush.

“Sorry, my appearance is not the best.. but one day full of work doesn’t help.” I said a little embarrassed.

“You look perfect, don’t worry.” He assured me. “We ended up by not deciding where to dinner” He said matter-of-factly.

“Yeah we didn’t.. ehh.. I know a nice restaurant here.” I said.

“Ok so let’s go..”

We headed to the restaurant, which was 2 minutes away from the Hospital. We sat and ordered our food. While we waited we talked about ourselves. I told him about my life, my career and that stuff and now it was his turn.

“Less about me.. what about you? What do you do?” I asked him.

“Ehh.. well.. now I’m not doing anything..” He answered hesitant.

“Oh.. you got fired or something?” I asked, making him chuckle. “What?” I asked confused.

“No, I wasn’t fired but it’s complicated.. I wish I could tell you but it’s too soon for you to understand.”

“Okay.. but it’s nothing bad is it?” I asked.

“Oh no no! It’s something I don’t want you to know just yet..” I nodded.

Meanwhile our food arrived.

“Oh.. by the way, I just remembered something.. in the first message you sent me, you said you didn’t answer sooner because you were at the studio with the guys. Can I ask you what studio is that?” I was very curious about this.

“Did I really say that?” He asked to which I nodded. “Fuck” He said in a whisper.

“I wasn’t supposed to know that, right?

“Yeah.. you wasn’t. Look I’m really sorry about all of this mystery but you’ll understand when I’ll tell you okay?” He asked, looking right into my eyes. His eyes were so beautiful. I could drown myself in them.

“Ok.. I hope you’ll tell me soon.” I said giggling.

“I promise I will.. sooner than you think.” He assured smiling and revealing some relief.

“I’ll be waiting!” I warned him, smiling back.

“Thank you for understanding me. And thank you for accepting my invitation.”

“Oh come on.. I would never refuse such an offer.” I said, making him laugh.

“I really needed some distraction..” He said chuckling.

“Oh so that’s it.. I’m just a distraction. I didn’t want to be only that.” I said, playfully.

“What I mean with distraction is that I needed someone to take me out of my real life for a couple of hours.” He said and then we both looked at each other and burst out into laughing. “Oh come on! It’s not what you’re thinking! Don’t be a naughty girl!” He said, still laughing.

“I wasn’t thinking about anything, what kind of person do you think I am?” I asked, laughing too.

“Yeah of course you weren’t.. that’s why you laughed.” He said sarcastically, I was still laughing.

“Anyway.. I don’t mind being that distraction.” We both looked at each other again and I almost fell off from my chair. We were both laughing so hard, the whole restaurant was looking at us.“Fuck.. I shouldn’t have said that. it was not what I meant.” I said still chuckling.

“I know you wouldn’t mind, but not now okay? I still have food to eat.” He said smirking. I laughed again.

“You’re so sure about that. You must be a lot of confident, uh?" I asked, playfully.

“I know what I’ve got .. but who am I to judge it?” He said with his beautiful smile.

“I’m not the one who’s going to judge it.” I raised my hands in the air in defense..

“I didn’t ask for it but anytime you want.” I glared at him and he laughed. I was loving this dinner, it was being so funny.We finished our food but kept talking.

“So, Brian told me that he found you yelling at your car yesterday.” He said chuckling.

“Yes, my car wasn’t working.”

“He also said that he helped you and took you to your work, but at first you were hesitant about it.” Matt continued, looking at me.

“It’s not that I didn’t want but after all the troubles he caused I thought it might not be a good idea.”

“Oh come on.. it was only two incidents and one of them it wasn’t his fault.” He said laughing.

“Yes it was! He crossed right in front of me and made me fell.. it was his fault.”

“You were the one running like a crazy.” He said laughing.

“Stop protecting Brian! You should be on my side! I don’t like you anymore.” I said, pouting.

“Awww! Of course you like me. If you didn’t like me you wouldn’t be here.” He said, smiling. His dimples showed up again and I couldn’t hold my smile.“See?” He said, pointing out to my smile.

“Shut up! And stop smiling! It’s not fair.. I can’t stay mad at you.” He smiled again and I hit his arm playfully.

Suddenly, I remembered the conversation with Brian about Matt being sad and that stuff. I was going to talk to him about it but he was so happy. I didn’t want to change that so I kept my mouth shut. I'd talk to him another day.

“I’m really enjoying our night but it’s getting late and you probably work tomorrow.. I don’t want you to be all tired because of me.” He said.

“Yeah I’m enjoying it too but unfortunately you’re right. I have to go.” I told him resentfully.

Matt insisted in paying the dinner. After that, we headed out of the restaurant.

“Do you have your car in the Hospital?” He asked.

“Oh no.. I’ve come to work by bus. My car is in the mechanic remember?”

“You’re right.. I forgot that. I’ll take you home then.” He said.

“Oh you don’t have to. I’ll go by bus.”

“No way. You’re coming with me. It’s too dangerous for you to be all alone at night. I don’t accept a no as an answer.” He said looking at me.

“You didn’t have to but thank you, I appreciate it.” I said, smiling.

“It’s okay. It’ll be a pleasure.”

We headed to his car and then – HOME! I gave him the directions and there we went. We talked a little bit in the car but I was so tired that I fell asleep. When we arrived Matt tried to wake me.

“Heeey.. Annie.. Annie..” He said. I was starting to come back from my dreamland.

When I realized where I was, I rapidly woke up and sat straight in the car seat making him chuckle.

“Hey calm down.. we arrived.” Matt said.

“Oh.. sorry. I fell asleep and I was a little confused.” I managed to say, rubbing my eyes.

“I noticed .. Come on..” He said, helping me to get out of his car.

“Thank you for the ride and for the night.” I said smiling. I wrapped my arms around me because it was very cold outside.

“Go inside, you’re freezing!” He said when he noticed me shaking. “I’ll give you a call or something this time, I promise”. He said making me smile.

We said our goodbyes but before I left, he leaned towards me and kissed me. On the cheek! Don’t go too forward!

His lips were very soft. I was glad it was dark outside because I felt myself blush. I turned around and ran into my house. I waved at him and he waved back, showing his dimples.

When I shut the door a big smile was spread all over my face. I was going to sleep so well this night.

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