I'm going to have a heart attack

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“Heey girl! I was wondering when you would call! Tell me everything that happened yesterday! You guys kissed? Please tell me you did! Where di-“

“Calm down! I can’t answer to all of that! Take it easy.. breathe.. nothing happened ok?” I cut Eilis. She was too exciting.

“Ohh what do you mean with ‘nothing happened’? I can’t believe it..” She said disappointed.

“I told you that it was just a dinner. It was very funny, I loved it but that’s it. Nothing happened.” I clarified.

“That sucks.. but was he nice with you?” She asked.

“It doesn’t suck. I don’t want to rush things, we just met.. and yes, he was really sweet. He took me home after our dinner and I fell asleep in his car. I’m such an idiot..”

“I know you don’t want to rush anything but I would be very happy if you had kissed. He’s so HOT! Anyway.. I can’t believe you fell asleep.. come on!! How could you do that?” She laughed.

“I don’t know, I was very tired.. but he was so cute trying to wake me up. He kissed my cheek” I said chuckling. “And he said he was going to talk to me soon. I just have to wait..” I sighed, making Eilis chuckle.

“You’re so in love..” She said.

“No! No, I’m not.. It’s too soon to be in love.. I just liked to be with him. But I don’t love him, trust me.”

“Ohh.. ok.. but you will, soon!!” She said, laughing.

“Maybe.. maybe not.. I don’t know. Hey girl, I’m really enjoying our conversation but I need to go back to work.”

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the call. Today I was going to pick up my car from the mechanic..FINALLY! Clodagh was working on the Hospital too, at least today, so she took me to the mechanic. I told her about Matt and she was excited but Eilis was definitely way crazier about this. That’s just how they are.

When I arrived home in my old but fixed car, I changed to my pajamas and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Matt. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.

Hey little scientist.. are you already out of your work? My smile got wide after the ‘little scientist’. He’s so silly.

Hi! Yes.. I’m out! Thank god.. I replied.

“What are your plans for this cold night?

Watching TV I think. In fact, it’s fucking cold! I answered, switching on my TV.

Nope, you’re wrong. You’re not going to watch TV tonight. I didn’t understand his statement.

Oh really? Why’s that? I replied.

Because you’re going to talk to me and I won’t let you watch TV (:

Now you made me laugh.. I can do both things! I’m a girl.. we can do several things at the same time, in case you don’t know (: I texted, still laughing.

I love to hear that. It’s always good to know that you can do lots of things at the same timeHe said, making my eyes go wide.

Just kidding (: He replied, right after the other message.

Incredible, I’m not even going to answer that. Ahaha I was laughing again.

Not Everything Is What It Seems (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now