Chapter 17

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Clarke's pov
"Nyko. Is it true?" Octavia Fiercely asked Nyko. Glaring at him
"Yes. Death is the only way." Nyko said
"Hold on.  There could be a way to bring him back."I said
"None that I've ever seen.' Nyko said, Nyko throws his knife to the ground.
"We have to go. The camp's leaving." Finn yelled coming up the stairs.
"You!" Nyko said Furiously
"We have to stop —" Finn started to say getting cut off by Nyko
"Ripa!" Nyko shouted lunging at Finn. Bellamy aims his gun at Nyko.
(A/n Ripa Translation: Murderer!)
"Get off!" Bellamy yelled to Nyko
"You slaughtered my people. Elders. Children. Innocents." Nyko said strangling Finn
"Oh my god, you're killing him" Octavia said
"Blood must have blood!" Nyko said
"Get out of the way!" Bellamy said to Octavia
"Bellamy, you're not killing him!" Octavia said. As Lincoln stops breathing
"L-Lincoln...He's not breathing...Lincoln..." Octavia said
"His heart's stopped. Move!" I said to Octavia moving over to Lincoln and start to perform CPR on Lincoln. Lincoln starts breathing again.
"He was did you do that?" Nyko asked Astounded
"You've tried bringing Reapers back before?And they died like this?" I asked
"What is it?" Bellamy asked
"I know how to stop the attack." I said
"Do you know how to stop my head from pounding?" A voice said. I turned around to see Giselle awake.
"Thank god" I heard Bellamy whisper as he rush over to Giselle.
"You okay?" Bellamy asked her now cradling her in his arms.
"I think so. What happened?" Giselle asked
"Lincoln hit you over the head. Here drink" I said handing Giselle some water.
"He's stable for now. We should go." Clarke said to Finn.
"Where are you going?" Giselle asked
"I have a plan to form an alliance with the grounders" I said
"Good luck with that. I think Lincoln might be the only nice one. You might have to sell their commander your goodies, if you know what I mean." Giselle said winking.
"Very funny. We're leaving" I said. I don't know how she does it but Giselle can always find a way the make everyone smile. I walked out of dropship with Finn.
"Even if you can save Lincoln, he won't be the same.The things he's done...  It'll stay with him." Finn said
"We don't know that." I said
"Yes, we do." Finn said
"Lincoln's savable. And so are you." I said
"come on. We have to hurry." Finn said.

Abby's pov
"You made the right decision, Abby." Jaha said
"Mom!" Clarke said walking towards me.
"Where have you been? We're leaving." I said
"I know how to stop the attack." Clarke said
"What're you talking about?" Jaha asked
"We haven't been able to negotiate with the Grounders because we haven't had anything to offer them. The biggest threat they face is from the Reapers. I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all."
"How?" I asked

Clarke's pov
"They're not attacking yet, which means we still have time." I said watching as the grounders lined up but none made a move to attack
"We have two hours until dawn." I said
"Let me talk to the Commander. She was Anya's Second. Maybe she'll listen." I said
"We don't even know if the Commander is here."'jaha said
"Yes, we do. Nyko told us. You have to at least let her try." Finn said
"Abby, we're wasting time. Give me the authority now." Jaha said
"Hold on. Clarke, you said that Lincoln is going through withdrawal. We don't even know what he's withdrawing from. The detox alone could kill him." Abby said
"That's where you come in." I said
  "And if I can't save him?" Abby said
"That's not an option." I said
"We are risking everything on a bluff? Abby, we have an out. We have a way to save the lives of our people." Jaha said
"Not all of them." Finn said talking about our people in the mountain.
"We will come back to save the kids inside Mount Weather!" Jaha said
"We all know that's not going to happen!" Finn said
"Abby. This has gone on long enough. If you do not give the order to begin the exodus, you are killing us all." Jaha said
"I'm sorry. I can't give that order." Abby said
"Give the order." Jaha said
"No." Abby said Calmly but stonily
" the elected Chancellor of the Ark. And I am not going to let you risk the lives of more people; do you understand? I'm going to ask you once again: give...the order to begin the exodus." Jaha said
"No. Are you through yet?" Abby asked Jaha Slowly approaches David and Byrne
"Sergeant Miller. Major Byrne. I am relieving Doctor Griffin of her command.Place these three into custody, but make sure they are ready to leave with the rest of us within the hour." Jaha said Byrne and David don't react.
"Right now, Major! Or the blood of everyone in this camp will be on your hands, too. " jaha said
"Major Byrne, Sergeant Miller. Put Chancellor Jaha in the stockade." Abby said
"Yes, ma'am." Byrne said
"Everything we did to survive... You're just throwing it all away. Why?" Jaha asked me
" Because I have faith, too. In my daughter." Abby said
"Just Clarke?" Jaha asked as he was hauled away. What the hell did he mean 'just Clarke'
"Thank you." I said to my mum
"I'll send the guard detaiil with you." Abby said
"No. They'll see it as a threat. I have to do this on my own. Finn will take you to Lincoln." I said  
"If you're wrong... All of us are going to die." Abby said.

Giselle's pov
"Do you think clarkes plan will work?" I asked Bellamy
"It has to" Bellamy said I look over to Octavia and Lincoln
"Seeing him like that must kill her I can't even imagine. If that was you" I said sighing
"But it's not. I'm fine" Bellamy said
"Anything can happen at any moment down here, I have to tell you something" I said
"What is it?" Bellamy asked
"I never felt the way do I when I'm with you before. I love you, Bellamy Blake" I said
"I love you too" Bellamy said leaning down to kiss me.

Monty's pov
"They're alive." I said looking at a screen with my people on it.

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