Chapter 20

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Finns pov.
I am on my way to dropship, Clarke catches up with me.
"Hey. You see anything? " Clarke asked
"I thought we were splitting up. " I said
"Not a chance. " Clarke responded
"What do we do after the dropship? Where do we go? You think the Grounders will just leave when they find out I'm gone? Is this the best way to help our friends inside Mount Weather? " I said
"We will figure this out. " Clarke said
"Look out! " I said as I saw a grounder coming our way The grounder knocks Clarke out and I point a gun at him.
"I don't want to shoot you. Go! Get out of here! " I said The grounder leaves and I notice Clarke is unconsious.

Bellamy's pov
"I checked again. Still no sign of them. " raven said
"Where are they? " I said in frustration.
"Calm down, I'm sure they're fine." Giselle said grabbing my hand.
"We shouldn't have split up. " raven said
"Someone's coming. " I said Murphy enters the dropship.
"What are you doing here? " I asked
"I believe I was invited. " murphy said
"I thought we could use an extra gun." Giselle said.
"Might be a good idea." I said
"Finn should've been right behind you." Raven said.
"Don't worry. The spacewalker's gonna be fine." Murphy said.
"Finn knows how to look after himself. Especially with a gun in his hand" Giselle said
"What's that supposed to mean?" Raven asked.
"Giselle don't" I whispered in her ear.
"Nothing raven. Just that I'm sure he'll be here any minute" Giselle said.
"Ok" raven muttered
"Excuse us" I said pulling Giselle out of their hearing range.
"What was that about?" I asked Giselle.
"I'm sorry ok sometimes I don't think about what I say before I say it" Giselle said
" I thought you were ok with being out here to protect Finn" I said
"I am. It's just...I've forgiven Finn, I have but...I still have nightmares about that day bellamy. The look in his eyes. The way he just kept shooting. It scared me and I'll never forget it. Finns one of our people and I know that Finns a good guy but after what he did I don't think I can trust him. I'm going to help but once he's safe, I don't want anything else to do with him." Giselle said
"Why didn't you tell me you were having nightmares?" I asked
" I didn't want to worry you" Giselle said
"Ok, but from now on you tell me everything ok" I said
"Ok" Giselle said. I leaned down to kiss her.

Flashback  to The Ark
"This is Ark Station calling birthday girl. You're hitting Eva Max. Time to come back inside. Are you reading, birthday girl? " Finn said on the radio
"Received, Ark Station. On my way. " raven said Raven makes her way back inside the Ark. The airlock doors closes behind her
"How was that? " Finn asked
"Free." Raven said. An alarm goes off.
"Warning. Outer door breached. Airlock pressure failing. Initiate emergency protocol." The Woman on P.A.  Said
"What happened? Finn?" Raven asked
"I don't know! " Finn said

Finns pov
I enter the dropship carrying an unconsious Clarke.
"What happened? " Bellamy asked seeing Clarke
"A Grounder hit her on the head. " I said
"Put her here." Murphy said clearing a spot for Clarke.
" I need a bandage. A rag. Anything." Bellamy said
"Got it. Here." Murphy said Handing Bellamy a rag
"Hold her head. Clarke, can you hear me? Clarke. You're gonna be fine. You just need to rest. " Bellamy said. I stepped back a bit
"Hey. It's just a bump on the head. Clarke's gonna be ok. Are you? We'll figure this out." Raven said to me
"That's what she said. Right before I almost got her killed." I said.

Abby's pov
I approach Indra who arrives on horseback.
"Why have you come, leader of the sky people? " Indra asked
"To talk. Leader to leader. We've both seen too many of our people die." I said
"No. You came to lie. We have seen your killer in the forest. You ordered him to run, and then you came here to distract us." Indra says and pulls a knife to my throat.
"I'm just trying to keep my people alive. Same as you. " I said
"You told our riders you were ready to fight. If we don't find the boy soon, you'll get to prove that. " Indra said
"You kill one of ours, we kill two of yours. That only helps the Mountain Men. There has to be a way to end this without bloodshed." I said
"You have courage... but courage isn't justice. Only the boy can die for what the boy has done. Move out" Indra said directing the last part to her people.

Finns pov
"Still nothing? " I asked
"Just give her a little time. " raven said looking sadly at Clarke who Giselle was fusing over.
"I never meant to hurt you." I said to raven
"I know. Truth is, things change. Maybe that's for the best. " raven said
"Don't let me off the hook so easy." Finn said
"We'll always be family. " raven said
"Always. " I responded Clarke groans and opens her eyes.
"Hey. Told you she'd be ok." Raven said
"Hey you ok?" Giselle asked Clarke
"I could do with some water" Clarke groaned
"I'll go get you some" Giselle said leaving.
"How's your head? " I asked Clarke once Giselle was gone.
"Awesome. " Clarke said
"When you went down... I thought you were dead. Because of me." I said
"I'm right here. " Clarke said
"I've killed so many people. " I said
"Finn, the things that we've done to survive... they don't define us. " Clarke said
"What if you're wrong? What if this is who we are now? " I said
"We got company! Get out here. Get down. Grounders. " Bellamy shouted from the lower level. Clarke and I went down to see what was happening.
"We're surrounded." Clarke said looking around the dropship.

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