Chapter 22

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Third person
Clarke is sitting in the Commander's tent her hands covered in blood that she is desperately trying to wipe off. Abby enters followed by Kane and Giselle.
"They would've tortured him I had to. I-I had to. I had to. What did I do?" Clarke said Abby hugs Clarke. Gustus enters.
"The commander is ready to talk." Gustus said Lexa enters followed by Indra.
"Blood has answered blood. Some of my side say that's not enough they wanted to murderer to suffer as out traditioned demands. But they do not know that your suffering will be worse. What you did tonight will haunt you until the end of your days. Still, there will be restitution, the body will be given to Tondc murderer and murdered joined by fire. Only then can we have peace." Lexa said
"No, no, we've done enough the boy should be buried by his own people" Kane said.
"Enough? We were owed the pain of 18 deaths, we were owed the righteous kill my village deserves justice." Indra said
"You don't want justice you want vengeance." Giselle said
"You have not seen my vengeance." Indra said
"Well I'm sure it's much worse than what Finn did, yet your alive" Giselle said to Indra
"Want to see my vengeance girl" Indra said
"Try me" Giselle said
"Giselle wait outside" Kane said angrily. Giselle stomped out of the tent.
"We'll do it. But when it's over we talk about how to get our people out of Mount Weather. All of our people." Clarke said
"We want the same things, Clarke." Lexa said
"Good, when do we leave?" Clarke said
"Now. Choose your attendance." Lexa said
"Clarke, you don't have to do this." Abby said
"Yes I do, if this truce doesn't hold, I killed Finn for nothing." Clarke said. Clarke and Lexa exit the tent.

Kane's pov
"Clarke's right, peace with the Grounders is the only way we'll survive." I said to Abby
"Oh I don't think they know what peace is." Abby said
"The Commander does." I said
"She's a child, they're being lead by a child!" Abby said
"So are we." I said leaving abby alone and going over to Giselle
"What we're you thinking?" I asked
"I wasn't. I'm sorry dad" Giselle said
"You have got to be more carful. We need this truce" I said
"I know I'll try" Giselle said
"That's my girl" I said and hugged her.

Clarkes pov
Raven is grieving over Finn's body.
"Go away." She says once she notices me
"Raven, I'm sorry."
"I said go away!"
"I know how hard this must be for you but I'm leaving with the Grounders and I need you to work on the radio." I said
"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Raven yelled seeing the grounders going and grabbing Finns body.
"We need to take him" I said
"Like hell you do! Get off!"
"Give us a minute, please. Raven." I said the grounders moved away hesitantly.
"You agreed to this?" Raven asked
"We're taking him back to the village where the massacre took place, there's a death ritual. It's the only way to get our people out of Mount Weather." I said
"Then I'm coming too. And don't worry, I'll bring your damn radio." Raven said and leaves. I watch the Grounders take Finn's body and hallucinates that his eyes are open.

Monty's pov
Miller and I are playing cards. When Maya and Jasper enter the dorm Miller turns up the radio.
"Whatever happened the Harper, someone must have seen something." Jasper said
"Where could she be, this place is a sealed bunker?" Miler said
"There have to be rooms we don't know about that aren't mapped." Jasper said
"Well is it possible?" Miller asked looking at Maya.
"I doubt it but maybe." Maya said
"Thanks, you are a big help." Miller said
"Easy. Maya's on our side." Jasper said
"Are you sure about that?" Miller asked
"Yes I'm sure. She's risked more than any of us." Jasper said
"Really? Is she gonna end up the kennel too if she gets caught?" Miller asked
"Stop it." Jasper said
"I found something. That leads to an antenna on the ground. If we can access the radio we can send a message over the Ark wide channel. Tell them we're here." I said
"The only radio is in the command center on level 7. Highly restricted." Maya said
"We got in before." Jasper said
"Only because it scheduled for decontamination. That won't work again so soon." Maya said
"We don't need the radio, we need the wires that run into it here." I said
"Art warehouse. That I can get us into." Maya said
"Great and all we have to do is break through a 2-foot section of wall find the outgoing wire and jack it to the closed system. Without being heard by anyone in the command center or on the field." I said
That's all, huh?" Miller asked
"No. We'll also have to get some copper wire, the guard schedules and a walkie talkie oh yeah and a big ass hammer." I said

Clarke's pov
The Grounders and Sky People are walking to Tondc. I keep hallucinating Finn.
"Hey, you doing alright?" Bellamy asked walking beside me.
"Yeah." I said
"You did the right thing." Bellamy said
" Now I get to live with it. You still think this truce is a bad idea, don't you?" I said
"I think we're wasting out time on politics while our friends are in trouble." Bellamy said
"We need their army to get to Mount Weather, Bellamy and you know it." I said
"Their army has been getting their ass kicked by Mount Weather forever. What we need is in inside man. Someone to be our eyes and ears." Bellamy said
"Forget it, it's too dangerous. Besides Giselle will never let it happen" I said
"Clarke if you can make it out, I can make it in and Giselle doesn't need to know" Bellamy said
"I said no."
"Since I don't take orders from you, I'm gonna need a better reason."
"I can lose you too. Okay?"

Lexa's pov
"Stop worrying, Gustus. Like you've always told me, all alliances are risky." I said
"This is not the same as uniting the twelve clans. The Sky People are different. They're more like the Mountain Men than us. It could kill our coalition." Gustus said
"Our coalition, or me?" I asked
"You are the coalition, Commander." Gustus said
"Then do your job and protect me." I said

Cages pov
"Brief me." I said
"Yes sir. Commander's force has never attacked the Ark. Instead at 06 time this morning they went through these woods here." Emerson said
"Outsiders never withdraw an attack." I said
"No sir, but under this commander, they do make alliances." Emerson said
"Is that what happened here?" I asked
"No clear sir, but it's a possibility we need to consider. Sir, if this is an alliance between the outsiders and the Ark, there are things we can do to break it. We let them kill each other so they don't come here to take their people back."
"I don't care how many men they have. They will not get past our defenses."
"Sir, we shouldn't take this threat lightly."
"We're not Lieutenant, you have my word on that, nothing is going to stop us from getting to the ground." I said

Clarke's pov
The Sky People and Grounders are setting up camp 10 miles away from Tondc for the night. Bellamy approaches me.
"Clarke, it's safer on our side." Bellamy said noticing I was standing on the side with the grounders
"We need to trust them, Bellamy. There are no more sides." I said I sit down and lay down to rest. Continuing to hallucinate Finn.

Kane's pov
I sit down next to Abby.
"Hey, we need to talk about Jaha. We can't keep him locked up forever." I said
"Maybe I should shocklash him." Abby said
"No, I was going to suggest a pardon." I said
"Hmm." Abby said noting that she was not listening I said
"Clarke's a survivor, she'll get through this too."

Lincoln's pov
"Natrona" Indra said seeing me
"Natrona?" Octavia asked
"Traitor. My people fear me. They think the reaper is still inside." I said
" You can talk to me about what happened." Octavia said
"I can't." I said
"You're not that monster." Octavia said
"I hope you're right." I said Octavia pulls me into a kiss

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