Chapter 25

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Bellamy's pov
Lincoln and I are walking through the woods before discovering an animal carcass. Lincoln cuts it and uses the blood to disguise himself and I as reapers.
"Ok so we make it to the intake door without any of the real reapers seeing us, what happens then?" I asked
"I kill everyone and you slip inside. Limestone." Lincoln said holding his hand out. I pass Lincoln a packet and Lincoln rubs the limestone on his face.
"Let's go, we got a lot of ground to cover before dark." Lincoln said
"Hey, I need to know what happens beyond the intake door." I said
"They remove your clothes, blast you with warm water and douse you with something that burns even worse. Then we were sorted, the other were tagged Harvest I was tagged Cerberus and turned into a reaper." Lincoln said
"Cerberus, the three-headed dog who guards the underworld. My mom read mythology to us all the time, Octavia loved it. You're good for her, you made her strong." I said
"She was already strong." Lincoln said
"Hey, I need to ask you something. You protected my sister before you even knew her, why?"'
"When I was a boy, I saw a ship fall from the sky like Raven's. The man inside was hurt, his body broken, I couldn't get him out."
"Suicide by Earth, I heard the stories in the Guard I just didn't know they were true." I said
"I brought him food, water. I couldn't speak the enemies language yet so I couldn't understand him but I wanted to. So on the third day, I told my father. He made me kill him. The war's been trying to turn me into a monster for as long as I can remember. Let's keep moving."
"Wait, parking garage where we found you is north, that way." I said
"There's a mine entrance closer to where the reapers end. We go into the underworld when we have to, not before." Lincoln said before we heard a twig snap.
"Did you here that?" I whispered to Lincoln. He nodded and motioned for me to keep moving like we didn't hear anything. We kept moving and Lincoln walked around a tree while I kept walking forward. I heard a twig snap again then a squeal. I turn around and saw Lincoln holding a knife to Giselle's throat.
"Giselle?" I questioned as Lincoln lowered his knife and put it away.
"What are you doing out here Giselle?" Lincoln asked
"Bellamy and I share a tent did you really think I wouldn't notice him sneaking off this morning?" Giselle said like it was obvious.
"Giselle go home" I said
"No way you're not going in that mountain alone. I'm coming with you" Giselle said
"I'll give you two a moment" Lincoln said walking away
"You're  not coming with me Giselle" I said strongly
"You can't stop me." Giselle said
"I can and I will. You're not coming" I said
"Bellamy I'm not going to let you go alone. What if something happens to you?" Giselle said lowering her voice
"I can take care of myself " I said walking closer to her so we were inches apart
"So can I" Giselle said
"I'm not going to let you get her Giselle if you go in there..."
"Bellamy, we're in this together, no matter what. I don't care what happens to me, I'm not leaving you"  Giselle said
"I love you Bellamy. There is nothing you could say to stop me from coming with you." Giselle said causing me to sigh.
"I love you too" I said
"Please let me come with you. If you don't I'll just follow you anyway" Giselle said
"Ok." I sighed out and pulled her into a hug
"So you going to kiss me or what?" Giselle asked me pulling away from the hug. I smiled at her and kissed her lips only to be interrupted by Lincoln.
"We need to get moving, and make her look like a grounder" Lincoln said.
"Why must you make everything harder than it should be?" I asked Giselle

Kane's pov
"Welcome. I thought we'd start with a reception then move on to training. We have a lot to learn from each other. Weapons there, please. Only Ark guards are here." I said to Indra as she arrived with some of her people. Indra throws her weapons into the bin and I gesture for her to enter.
"Thank you for agreeing to this, Indra." I said
"We're here on the commander's orders. I agreed to nothing." Indra said
"Please, we'll begin in a moment. " I said before walking over to Jaha
"They want us to start." I said
"This is a mistake." Jaha said
"I convinced Abby to release you, don't make me regret that." I said
"Let me tell you how this ends, Marcus. Either we lose and Mount Weather kills us all or we win and our new friends do." Jaha said
"I thought you had faith." I said
"This is their land, and believing that they'll let us live here happily ever after isn't faith, it's stupidity." Jaha said
"You're wrong, it's common sense. There's enough here for everybody, we just need to make them see that it's in their best interest to share. And that starts today." Walking to the council meeting room that is full of grounders.
"Alright, quiet down. I know we don't have a lot in common. But we do have a common enemy and a common goal. And for us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather we need to work together. Ogeda. Skaikru and Trikru. Our survival depends you sharing your knowledge of this world..." I said
"You got a problem." Murphy asked looking at the grounder that was glaring at him
"You stood there watching while my village was massacred." He said
"I'm sorry man, I don't speak grounder." Murphy said. Penn moves towards Murphy and Murphy shoves him back.
"Mr. Murphy, apologize to that man." I said
"For what? He was the one who came to me." Murphy said
"Two days work detail." I said
"Work detail? I just told you I didn't do it-" Murphy said
"Care to make it three?" I said
"You can burn just like your friend.' Penn said. Murphy punches Penn in the face.
"Murphy! Murphy! Murphy, stop!" I yelled as a full on riot breaks out.

Clarkes pov
"This argument is useless. If they can't breathe our air then why not open the door and let them burn?" Quint said
"No! Because they have a containment system, multiple airlocks just like we had on the Ark. Our inside man can shut that down." I said
"If he gets inside." Quint said
"What if we shut it down from the outside. You say the dam gives them power, take that away." Lexa said
"That dam withstood a nuclear war, commander. I highly-" I said getting interrupted by Quint.
"All she offers is no."
"Quint." Lexa said
"Apologies, commander. But the biggest army we've had waits for us to give it a mission, the longer that takes the more of our people die inside that mountain."
"It's the same for all of us." I said
"We've lost thousands, how many have you lost, girl? She says she has a plan, I say waiting for one man to get inside is not a very good one." Quint said
"I agree with Quint, we have an army let's use it." Another grounder said
"We will, after Bellamy lowers their defenses, turns off the acid fog. I don't care how many men you have! If you can't get to your enemy you can't win." I said
"You are the enemy." Quint said
"I'm sorry, have I done something to offend you?" I asked
"Yes, you burned my brother alive in a ring of fire." Quint said
"He shouldn't've attacked my ship." I said
"You're very brave under the commander's protection." Quint said
"Enough." Lexa said
"I can't be in an alliance with these people." Quint said
"Quint's right. Waiting for Bellamy isn't a plan, it's a prayer. One that's not likely to be answered." Lexa said
"Excuse, me I need some air." I said leaving  the room, Major Byrne following.

Giselle's pov
"What if we run into real reapers won't they wonder where you've been?" I asked slightly scared but not thinking not backing out for a second. As I just this Bellamy's grip on my hand tightened
"All they see is the red. Once you take it, nothing else matters just how you get more." Lincoln said
"How much do you remember from when you were on it?" Bellamy asked
"Everything. Turn around." Lincoln said to us. He rests a log on Bellamy's and my shoulders as if we are is his prisoner. Bellamy carries the weight of the log mostly, so I can barely feel it on my shoulders.
"I can carry some of the weight" I said
"I got it" Bellamy said smiling at me.

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