So the thing about my parents is that they're overprotective hypocrites.
Shit don't work out when I have anxiety.
Anyway, one time in class we were going over what our parents do when we get in trouble/When we get grounded. Of course everyone says their parents yell at them but...I was pretty much the only one who didn't get a restriction on going out.
Why? Maybe it's because I can't take two steps out of the house for anything other than school or errands without my parents asking me what the hell im doing where I am and all that shit.
It's annoying and makes me just want to stay in the hell I'm forced to call home.
So all in all my parents can't tell me to stop doing something I don't do.
😕 😕 😕
Basically the internet is the only way I can express my feelings without feeling like a piece of shit (kind of).