so it was my birthday not too long ago and I got one of those instant/Polaroid cameras that print your picture out on the spot.
I guess I've always wanted one so I was pretty hyped when I got the kit and everything for it as a plus. But it's only now that I realize a lot of shit
I have no idea what I'm going to use the film for.
Yeah there's always scenery that I could shoot, but I don't wanna use all my film for that since to get new film it costs like $20 for not that many pictures which is pretty damn expensive
and I won't be seeing anyone this summer really, which I was mostly hoping to use it for.
The school year is coming to an end and so is my tolerance for bullshit.
it is i your neighborhood gay icon
anyways if I get enough people to agree I may start a discussion on Rabbit where we can talk and shit and ya'll might get to see what's behind the screen, a huge dick in a chair.