so in the last part I may have said that although he is abusive, my dad makes up a lot of the money around here.
And so far he hasn't shown up.
We think he may have left for good or something, and money is an important thing we're needing here.
My mom and I are extremely worried about how we're going to support my brother, her and I financially (she's crying about that rn actually and I feel like shit about it).
So idk she said something about moving to Europe, since most of my family is there and we can just crash in with them for awhile if things get really bad.
But thinking about moving makes me sad because holy shit there's so much here I'll have to give up.
Maybe Wattpad or other social media accounts (which are a big par tof my life since I don't have people to talk to irl) and though I don't have many friends at school it's still shit to leave them.
I also don't know if this is a test that abusers do, where they leave for awhile and come back to make their victims depend on them or some shit.
But if this tactic is what this shithead is doing, it's taking a toll on my mom and I's emotional range and I want to fucking murder him for playing us like that.
What really sucks about being in abusive relationships like this is when you depend on the person for something as stupid as money.