Recently I've been going through a lot of stress and anxiety, with the school year coming up. I have more classes and shit to worry about, and a lot of new trouble I'll be getting into.
I'm losing more hair than I should, which isn't a good thing, apparently. (I'll run my hand through my hair and more than a few hairs come out. Not to the point of being bald, it's just falling off at a faster rate I guess.)
I mean I haven't reached my fifties yet, and I know that stress can cause premature aging. Hair loss is just the beginning of it.
So I'll be doing little to nothing on here, since I'm just not in the mood to actually do anything.
This sudden loss of motivation struck me I guess? I dunno. I've been sleeping and just feeling tired a lot more than I used to be and I don't know if that's just puberty or what, I don't really care anymore.
But if I tell my parents about the hair loss thing they'll just give me some bullshit about my diet, already that I've been eating somewhat less and way differently than before, anorexia fucked up my eating pattern.
And they're already calling me out for sleeping so much, especially during the day.
So right now I'm at a point where I'm giving up on almost everything.