13 Reasons Why It's Bullshit

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so of course the new white girl craze is the series 13 Reasons Why.

Now let me explain why I honestly think its bullshit one way or another. 

So the story is pretty self exclamatory-

A girl goes through depression on how she's being bullied at school and facing other problems and leaves a tape every time she finds a reason why she committed suicide. She then leaves the 13 tapes behind so the people who were assholes to her can watch it and feel regretful or whatever.

Where do I start...

1) First of all, there are millions of people out there who no doubt have the same life as her, being bullied, feeling worthless, going through depression and all that shit. The thing I'm totally not on board for here is killing yourself for attention. 

2) There are way better ways to make your presence and feelings noticeable, and the shit she just did is proving that people who have depression are crybabies and only resort to suicide, which isn't true at all. 

3) So many people died for better reasons than being an attention whore, and throwing your life away like that instead of knowing what's worth things is complete shit. 

4) It's full of cliches 

5) Honestly just by the title you can tell the audience is mainly teenage girls, a cheap chick flick

6) I'm not gonna be surprised (nor will I really care, tbh) if girls actually just start killing themselves because of this craze, like the Slenderman thing. 

7) I want an actual movie/series, not something that teaches a moral at the end. And even if it does, it had better be one of those hidden meanings and not throw it out as easy as that. 

8) I mean, the moral was simple enough to grasp here- Don't kill yourself, people care even if it doesn't seem like it. Things will turn up. 

Bitch, you really think a depressed person can tell, even if being said or shown that? Most don't think people care for them, yeah, but some do, but don't feel affection from the people they think care about them. 

9) To be honest, the story would have seemed way more interesting if the protagonist was a guy. Already that in media guys aren't supposed to show emotion and appear tough, so this would have been damn better. 

10) Of fucking course they just had to add death to romance, we know they go together as well as wine and cheese, but already that the romance part was sappy enough. 

11) She appeared to emphasize an awful lot on her death and not the good things she'd be missing. A person thinking about death would first weigh their options, and ask themselves if they're really willing to miss something in their life. 

12) the story would have been an inch better if she had said goodbye to a person or thing she loved instead of cramming it into a tape. Anyone could have just watched the tape and been like 'oh well, what can u do'.

13) I understand she wanted people to feel a particular way, but showing it like that could impact their lives and is pushing it that far really necessary?

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