Don't you ever just go somewhere and I guess you have a good time n shit but when you come back home you realize you forgot something or somethings missing
Not like something material like your keys or phone or whatever but deep down inside something is just...not there
I have a friend who's gonna leave me soon for college and she explains how a lot of her other friends are getting into relationships and kinda ignoring her, and that I'm the only one who stays or hangs around bc I'm not hooped up into that shit too.
I mean sure its fine to get in a relationship but make room for other people in your life too.
Why am I making a pot of coffee and tea at the same time for no reason. I'm probably gonna drink the coffee first and when I get fed up with that the tea.
anyways I've been watching a lot of Princess Jellyfish (10/10 would recommend) and its been kinda making me realize a lot of shit recently.
After that imma get into Squid Girl.