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shit uh how do i put this 

so you know how I'm constantly saying that I don't want people to get attached to me romantically or in any way possible right 

well I know its only natural for the same thing to happen to me, for me to get attached to people more than I should and um 

I'm pretty sure I had a crush this entire year but didn't realize it?

I've never been really sure what love towards another person feels like so I'm pretty sure it was my constant denial that I wanted something more between us. 

and its only now that I realize I've been acting ever so slightly differently around them too, I guess that's what made me snap to this conclusion.  

I just feel really apathetic to the topic.

Probably ever since I found out that person was dating or taken, which seems like a better option for them than hanging around me. 

so I guess that's another way I could see this in a 'positive' light.


I'm going through some shit right now, and most of it involves my wellbeing. 

I really absolutely hate talking about myself on an emotional level because its really hard to actually say how I feel about shit. Like yeah I can say I'm pissed at something or sad or even give my opinion sometimes 

but literally 80% of the time I'm apathetic and don't know what to do. 


2017- the year I tried too hard to hide things and ended up fucking my side of things even worse

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