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Lesley Charlotte Miranda woke up at 7:30 AM on a Monday morning. She sat up and looked at her new room. It was smaller than her old room, but it was a way. Swiftly, the 14 year old swung her legs out of the bed, and walked to her closet. "What to wear? What to wear?" She whispered.  Automatically, she pulled out a pair of blue ripped skinny jeans, an Odd Future tee shirt, with black and white Roshes. "Good enough for me." She said. With a tired disposition, Lesley walked into the Jack and Jill bathroom she shared with Enzo.

8:15 AM

"Enzo! Let's go! We are gonna miss our subway!" Lesley yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Please stop yelling." Steven Pasquale sighed, as he emerged from his room. Lesley rolled her eyes, because of the apparent sight that her mom's boyfriend was clearly hung over. She groaned, and ran up the stairs.

"Enzo Donovan!" Called the annoyed teen. She pounded her fist on her brothers door, until it swung open.

"What? I'm coming!" Enzo growled. Lesley shoved her brother and folded her arms.

"Don't get testy with me. We have to gooooo!" Lesley stressed. Enzo grabbed his backpack and pushed his sister out of the way to close the door. The two finally headed towards the stair when a voice stopped them.

"You're not gonna say bye to your mom?" The one and only Phillipa Soo asked. The Irish twins stopped and back tracked to their mother. They gave a quick hug, then skidded down the stairs to the front door.


At 9 AM Lesley slid into her seat, that was placed in the back of the class, quickly. It was her first day of Freshman year at a new school, because her family moved back to the city for her mom's job. So, Lesley went to a magnum school that prepared her for Juilliard. It was Phillipa's idea, but Lesley didn't want to break her mom's heart and she did want to be an actress. She just didn't want to be under her mom's shadow.

As she started to set out her school supplies, a tall, blonde girl came up to her with an Asian and Latina behind her. "Hey!" The blonde smiled. Lesley looked up and gave a small wave. "I'm Brec, that is Lillimar," she pointed to the Latina, "and that is Haley." Brec introduced.

"Hi. I'm Lesley." She said. Brec gave her a odd look, and cocked her head to the side.

"Where have I seen you?" Brec asked. Lesley sulked in her seat.

"You probably know my parents. Phillipa Soo and Lin-Manuel Miranda." She answered. Brec, Lilimar, and Haley gasped. The teens took a seat in front of Lesley with fascinated eyes.

"Woah! Your dad wrote Hamilton? That was genius!" Lilimar gawked. Lesley rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Yep. So great." She sighed. It had been years since her dad had a steady job. All the time he did have was spent with his keyboard. Some dad. Lesley thought.

"Why did your parents get divorced?" Hayley asked. Lesley shrugged, and grabbed a pen.

"I don't know. My brother and I were too young to know exactly what happens. But, whatever it was killed my parents relationship. And my older sister won't tell us either." Lesley said. Brec and Lilimar shared a look.

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