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(May 31 aka Pippa's Birthday)

8:45 AM

Phillipa woke up, kind of late, to see a duffel bag in the corner of the room. She remembered that her husband came home the previous night. And they made up for the missed time. If you know what I mean. Happy birthday to me! Pippa thought. A pain shot threw her stomach, like the previous night. She had been having contractions for the past twelve hours and she had a feeling she would be sharing a birthday with her twins. Pippa got out of the bed and ran to the bathroom to get dressed. She slipped on a a black dress and hat (In the picture) and walked down the stairs. When she got in the kitchen, Lin was making breakfast for the family.  "Good morning, babe," Lin greeted. Phillipa kissed Lin's lips and looked over the stove to see pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, and toast.

"Wow, you really know how to treat a girl," Pippa smirked. Lin nodded and walked her to the table.

"You sit here and let me do all the work," Lin smirked.

"Didn't you say that last night when we," Pippa trailed off. Lin giggled and made Pippa a plate. "Where are the kids?" Pippa asked, not seeing Enzo and Mason fighting over which teacher is hotter and Lesley silently rolling her eyes and poking at her baby. She had given birth to Nova the previous week and was in love with her.

"Hell if I know," Lin joked. Pippa windily laughed and started to eat her food. "Just kidding, they went to Reneé's last night. You didn't t realize that Lesley wasn't knocking on our door last night when you were screaming?" Lin asked. Pippa gasped, and shook her head.

"No sir! You were the one screaming. I was laughing at you," Pippa corrected. Lin laughed as he sat down and started to eat.

"What do you want to do today?" Lin asked. Pippa scrunched up her nose as she thought about what she wanted to do with her man.

"I don't know. I want to go out for dinner or something small. Nothing to big, ya know," Pippa answered. Lin nodded and pulled out his phone. Pippa was gonna ask what he was doing, when a pain hit her stomach.

"Round Lig?" Lin asked as he moved to hold Pippa's hand. Pippa shook her head and tried to breath through her pain.

"Contraction," she said. Lin's eyes went wide.

"How long has this been happening?" Lin asked in a panic.

"A day maybe," Pippa answered. The pain soon subsided, but Pippa's back started to hurt. "I'm fine though, my water hasn't broken and they are like fifteen minutes apart," Pippa explained. Her husband shook his head and called Dr. Grey.

"Lin?" Meredith answered.

"Hey, Pippa is having contractions today, so she maybe having the baby today," Lin informed.

"Okay. The hospital doesn't have me on call today, so just call me and I will scrub in when you get there," Meredith said. Lin nodded and watched Pippa rub her stomach. Right as Lin went to hang up, Pippa heard a subtle pop and felt a liquid run down her leg. "Okay just kidding, her water just broke.  We are on our way," Lin said, then hung up. "Go get in the car, I'm gonna grab your bags and the backpack," Lin said. Pippa slid out of the booth and walked towards the garage.

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