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(Oct. 17)

Lesley walked to the kitchen at 8:30 AM to see her mom making breakfast. She had her first day in her new school and she was a nervous wreck. She wanted to make a good first impression and not be know as just Lin and Pippa's daughter. "Smile more, Little Miss," Pippa greeted. Lesley groaned in response.

"Mommy, I don't feel good. And my vagina is fighting me right now," Lesley replied. Pippa gave her daughter a puppy dog face and set a plate in front of her child.

"I know baby. But, you gotta go for at least two classes and if you still feel sick I will call you out," Pippa said. Lesley nodded and took a bite of her food. She didn't get too far into her meal, before she took off to the hall bathroom to vomit.

"Mommy, please," Lesley cried. Pippa knew that if Lin came home and saw that their daughter wasn't at home he would be pissed. In New York, Lesley missed a lot of school and one of the conditions, when Lin put her in the private school, was that she had to actually show up to school. But, Lin has never had his uterus try to kill him so, he didn't get a say in the matter.

"Go upstairs and get in the bed. I will call the school," Pippa said. Lesley, rinsed out her mouth and slowly walked to the stairs. Phillipa sighed, and walked back to the kitchen. Quickly, she grabbed her phone and dialed the number of Lesley's school.

"Hello?" the assistant answered.

"Hi. This is Phillipa Soo. My daughter, Lesley Miranda, isn't going to be in school today. She's sick," Pippa told.

"Okay thank you. Would you like us to gather her work and you can pick it up later today?" she asked. Pippa nodded, but remembered the lady couldn't see her.

"That would be great. Thanks," Pippa answered. The two hung up and Pippa slipped her phone into her back pocket. As she went back to cleaning up from breakfast she heard footsteps come from the living room.

"Babe, why is Lesley still here?" Lin asked as he ran a comb through his recently cut hair. Pippa pushed the front pieces of her hair behind her ears as she did the dishes.

"On her way out of the door she threw up?" Pippa explained. Lin sighed and folded his arms. He gave Pippa a look but, Pippa held up her finger. "No Papí, don't give me that look. She's a young woman and she should stay home if she is sick. She will learn just as much at home as she will if she is sick at school. Nothing. She won't be able to concentrate," Pippa said. Lin dropped his arms and walked around the island.

"I know. I just want her to do better than I did," Lin said, as he wrapped his arms around Pippa's waist and placed his hands on her stomach.

"She will. Her mother is smart, remember," Pippa joked. Lin kissed his girlfriends cheek and poked at her stomach. He got down to eye level with her stomach and ran his hands over her 10 week belly.

"Wake up. I wanna play with you," Lin whined. Pippa laughed and dried her hands off on a towel.

"Alright, Papí. Get up. You gotta go to work. And I have cleaning to do," Pippa said. Lin groaned and stood back up.

"Fine, I'm going. Tell Ley, I hope she feels better," Lin called as he jogged out of the house and to his car. Pippa waved, but as soon as he shut the door she gripped onto the counter and her smile dropped. She had a round ligament pain shoot her in the pelvis.

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