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(April 2nd)

Enzo laid awake staring at the Snapchat that boiled his blood. Anthony DeMarco just posted on his story another insult about Pippa. Steven told, basically, the entire world about all of Pippa's sexual partners and now Enzo was being taunted about it. Not so much Lesley, because in high school no one cared, because most of the students had more partners than the entire Miranda family together. But, in middle school it was everything because few had had sex. Enzo sat up in his bed and dialed a number. "Hello?" The voice asked.

"Pico! Is Marco around?" Enzo asked. The man on the other side of the phone put Enzo on hole and went to find Marco.

"Zo? What up baby boy? It's been a brick," Marco greeted. Enzo gave a half smile and laughed a bit.

"Not much. But I've got this bruja riding my ma. I would take care of it but, I gotta make runs for Daya and I can't get in trouble with her again," Enzo said, "no guns, just gangster, I need this man scared," Enzo said.

"Ight baby boy, I gotchu," Marco said, "alright I gotta go, Etholina is about to wake up, and I've gotta go," Marco said. Enzo said his goodbyes and laid back on his bed. He looked over to his Monday backpack. It was filled with a dime of cocaine, two eight bags of weed, and hella vials of heroin. He was about to make eighteen hundred bucks easy, before lunch. The drug game was no joke for Enzo. That was his second family and his livelihood all in one. On Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday's he ran drugs for Daya. And Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday he ran guns for Victor, Daya's brother. And it was pretty simple. And the good thing was that because Victor and Daya knew that Enzo was so young, he could get out whenever he wanted before he turned 16, then things got a little complicated. But, it's what he was good at.


Pippa stood in the kitchen with Annemarie on her shoulder as Claudia slept in the baby swing. She was having so much fun with her twins because for the most part they ate and needed to be changed at different times. When Annemarie needed to be changed, Pippa could do that, then put her baby back to sleep. Then Claudia would wake up, eat, then go back to sleep. Afterwards, Pippa would sleep for two hours and do the same process again with the opposite kid. It was pretty easy. For, Lesley she wanted to die. Nova never slept and she always cried. Lesley was lucky to be going to school. That was the only time she was able to get away from Nova. That sounds really bad but, she missed her do nothing lifestyle.

Around 8:30 AM, Lesley came down the stairs holding two week old Nova. "Here, I got you Dunkin this morning when I took Mason and Enzo to school," Pippa informed. Lesley did a small happy dance and took the tea and bagel to the kitchen table.

"Bless up! I needed this!" Lesley smiled and took a sip of her drink. Nova looked up at her mother. "Hi mamita," Lesley smiled. Pippa placed Annemarie in the second swing and dragged them both to the table. Once sat down, Phillipa fixed Annemarie's blanket and propped a bottle up on the blanket for her.

"Are you gonna go to volleyball tonight?" Pippa asked. Lesley gave her a weird look and set her tea down.

"I don't have anyone to watch Nova," Lesley replied. Pippa shook her head and picked at her donut.

"I didn't ask that. Are you gonna go to volleyball is what I asked." Pippa reiterated. Lesley nodded.

"I should, since we are gonna be in the gym," Lesley answered.

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