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A Month Later

Lin walked into empty house mid day on a Thursday. Her scent was everywhere. Her eyes were in everyone. Her face was engraved in his mind. Lin shut the door of the garage and opened the fridge to figure out dinner. The twins were with Reneé and Jasmine. Lesley and the boys were at school. And Nova and Allie were in daycare. He was alone... in theory. He looked at his phone to see Meredith called which had caused his leg to buzz. "Hello?" He answered slowly.

"An update?" She asked. He looked through the fridge. He never realized how little of her favorite foods were in there. It was all his and the kids.

"Sleepy," he replied. Meredith sighed.

"Well, it could be worse. I'll check back again tomorrow?" Meredith asked. Lin agreed and hung up. He got called every days since leaving the hospital. It was good for some to ask and be genuinely concerned. Lin ran his hand along his mangy beard and grabbed the packets of salad in the fridge.

"One of her few favorites in this house," he sulked. He felt guilty for taking her for granted. But, he didn't know how to shake the feeling.

A Season Later

It was Fall and October was nearing. Lin walked through the front door of the house to hear his kids bustling around. They were working on projects, talking to friends, and just being kids. Life was getting easier after having left the hospital. It was calmer, but still grief stricken. "Hello?" He asked at the same phone call, as the day before.


"Better," he sighed.

"Good. I'll call back tomorrow,"

A Year Later

It was the twins first birthday and energy was high. Everyone was excited! The kids were walking and learning to talk. They had her eyes and smile. Annemarie had her hair. Claudia had her eyebrows and nose. But together they were a spitting image of her. Lin stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Lesley and the girls to come down and join the party.

After a few moments of boredom Lin watched Lesley skip down the stairs with Allie and Nova. "They're ready," Lesley smiled. Lin turned back to top of the stairs to see her holding their baby girls on each hip. Her smile was brighter, she was in a sundress, and her hair was curled beautifully. That was the woman he remembered. The healthy wife, mother of his kids, soulmate. She met him at the bottom of the steps and pecked his lips.

"What's wrong? You look like you've see a ghost," she laughed with a wink. Lin kissed her once more before he followed her to the backyard.

Lin stared out at the crowd of family and friends to see his wife talking and laughing with their hamily. In that moment, Lin realized that it was her all along. His Natasha. His Eliza. His Amélie. The surgery may have saved her life. But, it saved his love as well. He got to keep his wife and at the end of the day she was the only one he wanted. And No One Else.

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