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Phillipa laid in the hospital bed on her side, asleep. There was an IV in her hand giving her fluids to slow the baby's heartbeat, which made her tired. Pippa wasn't going to be in the hospital long, just long enough to make sure the baby's heartbeat doesn't spike again.

Meredith came in the room with an ultrasound machine to see Phillipa asleep and Lesley on her phone with her brothers. "Hey guys," she greeted, her tone slightly uneasy. The teenagers waved and went back to her there phones, immediately. Meredith walked over to Phillipa's bed and sat on the edge. She softly shook Phillipa from her slumber. With in the minute Phillipa was awake, but still tired. "I got the results for the DNA test. They are definitely Puerto-Rican," Meredith said. Phillipa didn't hear the that at first but, soon she realized what had just rolled off of Meredith's tongue.

"They?" Phillipa asked. Meredith nodded and watched Phillip'a hand shoot to her mouth. "How many?" She asked in complete shock.

"Two. Girls," Meredith said. "I brought this puppy, so we could take a look and see why you are so small," Meredith said. Pippa nodded and pulled the gown open from the side. Meredith put the gel on Phillipa's stomach and smeared it around until she saw Claudia's body. She had her hand curled in towards her mouth, then out of no where a third hand pops out from behind her. Meredith moved the ultrasound to the side of Pippa's bump to see two pair of feet next to Claudia's head. "There she is. She was hiding the whole time," Meredith smiled. Pippa laid her head back on the pillow and started to bawl. Meredith cleaned off her patients stomach and quickly removed herself from the room.

"Give me my phone," Pippa said as she pointed to her purse. Mason nodded and gripped the iPhone from the top. "Can you guys go wait in the hall, or go get some food?" Pippa asked. The kids got up and walked out of the room still staring at their phones. Pippa took a deep breath and dialed Lin's number. It was 8 AM in LA but, she knew he was up.

"Hello my queen," Lin greeted. Pippa sniffles and wiped a tear.

"Babe, I have to tell you something," she started.

"Okay," Lin replied.

"It's about Claudia," she continued. A heavy sighed passed from Lin but, Pippa shook her head even though Lin couldn't see her. "She's yours, but there is more," Phillipa said.

"Is she sick?" Lin asked.

"I am, but not her. She uh, has a sister," Pippa said. It wasn't until after Pippa said what she did, that she realized why Lin chuckled.

"I know she has a sister. I made her. She has two sisters babe," Lin replied through a laugh. Pippa sighed and slapped her forehead.

"Lin, I'm having twins," she finally blurted. Lin started to choke on whatever it was that he was drinking.

"No me diga," he whispered. Pippa bit her lip and waited for an actual response, but got nothing. It was all just a repeat of don't tell me in Spanish. Pippa eventually got fed up and hung up on him. Next she of course called Reneé.

"Hey Pip-pip!" Reneé cheerfully greeted. Pippa felt a warm feeling grow in chest as she talked to her sister. "How are you feeling?" She asked. Pippa put her hand on her exposed bump.

"I'm alright. But, I have tell you something," Pippa trailed off. Reneé stayed silent to let Phillipa continue. "I'm having twins," Pippa said. Reneé gasped then quickly screamed.

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