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Monday morning came quickly at the Soo household. The sun crept into the apartment and Pippa turned over. "Good morning handsome," Pippa smiled. Steven's eyes fluttered open and he gave a smirk. "I have a Hamilton Reunion show next week so, I have to get up and head to the meeting," Pippa spoke. Steven sighed and sat up.

"Alright. I have rehearsal at 11, but I have to be in Virginia by 6 so I won't be back until tomorrow," he said. Phillipa nodded and slid out the bed.

"Okay. I'm gonna shower," Pippa announced. As she turned, Steven grabbed his fiancé's wrist.

"Hey," he said. Phillipa turned back. "Are you gonna take a test," Steven asked. Phillipa rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"No," she replied.

"Why not," the grown man questioned. Phillipa placed her hand on her side and stuck out her hip.

"Because I'm not," she bit. Steven scoffed and let go of her arm.

"How do you know," Steven inquired. Phillipa rose her eyebrow and unfolded her arms.

"Because I'm not. I know my body. I'm not pregnant," Pippa lied as she walked into the bathroom. She didn't know that she wasn't pregnant because she just knew. She knew because three years ago she got a tubal ligation aka her tubes tied to prevent getting pregnant. She was going to get the cauterized, but she decided to get a procedure that was reversible just in case Lin wanted... Anyways, she refused to get pregnant with Steven. Not happening.


At the rehearsal, Phillipa, Reneé, and Jasmine sat in Pippa's old dressing room. They talked and laughed about any and everything, like old times. "He said what," Jasmine laughed.

"Asked me if I was gonna take a test. Girl, he was dead ass serious," Pippa replied. The women were in tears. "Like what? I'm not about have another baby! My oldest is 31. Hell, I'm 39. Um nope. I'm not the one," Pippa added. She shook her head and sipped her water.

"Preach girl," Jasmine said. "Ant asked me if I wanted to give AJ and Donny a baby sister. I said with whose vagina," Jasmine told. Reneé sipped her tea and stood up.

"Alright girls, let's get to the stage. We gotta make sure we don't look like how our men got us," Reneé said. Phillipa smirked, and stood up.

"And how would that be, Neé," Pippa asked, innocently.

"Fucked up," Reneé laughed. The women left the room in a fit of laughter. As they reached the stage the giggles came to a sudden halt at the sight of hungover Lin. His hair was a greasy mess, he was in the same shirt that Pippa saw him in on Friday, and he looked like a zombie.

"Wow," Pippa whispered. Lin glanced at her, but quickly looked away.

"Are you sure you wanna do this," Jasmine asked. Phillipa actually felt physically sick, just at the sight of him. Not because of the hungover factor, but because it was him. Her first love, first husband, first one night stand, first heart break, first (and only) father of her children. He was him. The man she thought she would be with forever. Now, you probably thought 'what Pippa, you jut saw him Friday! Where did those feelings come from?' and you wouldn't be wrong for that thought. But, in retrospect, she was about to commit a crime of passion and wasn't thinking about Lin. Also, fuck Vanessa.

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