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Lin walked around downtown broadway, as he thought about his next job. He had just gotten out of a huge meeting to make another Disney movie and he was stoked. As he got lost in his thoughts, a cry broke Lin out of his daydream. He looked into the fairly empty alley and saw a little girl huddled in the corner between a wall and dumpster. She had dirt all over her body, her clothes were tore and tattered, tears streamed down her cheeks, and her hair was a tangled mess. "Hey!" Lin called. She looked at him with wide eyes and shrank impossibly farther back into her corner. "It's okay. My name is Lin," he introduced. She stared at him as he walked closer to her. She looked about three, but she was also tiny. "What's your name?" He asked. The little girl saw that Lin was no threat and shrugged. "You don't know?" He asked. She shook her head. "Are you hungry? I was headed home. You can meet my wife! She loves kids!" Lin suggested. She hesitantly held her arms out for Lin to pick her up. He did so and was astonished at how light she was. Once Lin stepped into the busy streets, the child buried her head into his neck out of fear. "My car is right there okay, I live two hours away so just crawl in the back and you can go to sleep okay?" Lin asked. The little girl nodded and get Lin walk across the street. Lin opened the door to Pippa's SUV and let the child slide in. He quickly put a seat belt around her, then got in the drivers side. To anyone who didn't know Lin, it totally looked like he kidnapped that little girl, but he didn't. He just found a stray to take home.


Once Lin pulled up to the house, he parked the car and excitedly hopped out of the car. The little girl was still asleep so he was just going to have Pippa come to her. "Babe!" Lin yelled as he ran into the house. Mason and Enzo stared at the little genius and pointed to the couch. Lin followed their directions and saw Pippa burping Annemarie as Claudia slept on the couch next to her mother. "I need you in the garage, quickly," Lin rushed as he pulled Pippa's arm.

"Wait a second. Let me put them in their swings," Pippa said. She carefully laid Annemarie down, then transferred Claudia to her, newly clean, swing. "Okay what?" Pippa asked as Lin dragged her through the kitchen.

"You have to see this for yourself," Lin said. He got to the car and pointed to the window on the drivers side. Pippa cupped her hands around her us and saw the little girl asleep on the backseat. Pippa gasped and smack Lin's chest.

"Lin, where did you get her?" Pippa freaked.

"I found her. She was in an alley crying," Lin explained. Pippa rolled her eyes.

"Does she gave a name?" Pippa asked. Lin shook his head. "So, she has no family, and no name? How old is she?" Pippa asked. Lin shrugged.

"She looks 3, but I don't know," Lin answered. Phillipa rolled her eyes and called Meredith.

"Hello?" She answered.

"I need an appointment for a little girl. My husband found her on the street and I need a full body work up to see if she is okay," Pippa requested.

"Okay. Bring her in tomorrow at 10?" Meredith suggested.

"Thank you much," Pippa said before she hung up. Lin went to hug Pippa but she pushed him out of the way and opened her SUV door. The little girl woke up a little and saw Lin behind some woman she didn't know. "Hi sweetie. I'm Pippa," she introduced. "Can I take you in the house?" Pippa asked gently. The little girl nodded and let Pippa unbuckle her seatbelt and lift her into her arms. "Lin grab the boys and head to the store. I'm will text you a list of things to get. Lesley and I will take care of..." Pippa trailed off. "She really needs a name," Pippa said.

"Call her Allie. That's where I found her," Lin suggested. Pippa rolled her eyes and felt how soiled Allie's pull-up was.

"Fine, we can call her Allie. Lesley and I will take care of Allie. Go!" Pippa demanded. Lin ran back in the house and got his sons. Pippa followed and looked over the couch to see the girls still asleep.

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