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After school Mason burst into the hospital room to see Enzo in the bed eating, Pippa on her phone, Lesley asleep, and Reneé looking at her laptop. "What up fam?" Mason asked. First he walked over to the bed and dapped up Enzo. "Good to see you alive," he said. Then, he hugged Pippa. "Heard about the babes, it's gonna be okay," he said. Pippa nodded and hugged him back with a small smile. Next, he hugged Reneé and sat in between she and Lesley. "Tell, Alexis he owes me twenty bucks, cause I made the three pointer in the last game," he said. Reneé laughed and nodded.

"I will," Reneé replied. Mason nodded and turned to Lesley. He poked her in the stomach and gave a weird look.

"Dang. Someone's been working out," Mason joked, "Wake up, hoe," he bothered. Lesley groaned and swatted her nephews hand away.

"If you don't die," Lesley snapped. Mason grabbed his hand back and smirked.

"Ooh, someone's touchy," Mason teased. Lesley slapped her nephews chest and opened her eyes.

"I don't feel good Masey," Lesley whined. Mason put his hands up in surrender wrapped his arms around his aunt.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. Go back to sleep, Little Miss," he suggested. Lesley shook her head and ran her hand through her hair.

"I'm awake now," Lesley answered. "Where is your mom?" She asked, referring to Lauren.

"She went to Dinah's and my birth giver is AWOL, but screw her. Umm, anyways, I don't want to talk about her. I want to walk about how your dumb ass got out of jail," Mason asked Enzo. The Asian-Puerto Rican-American teen, laughed a bit the top of his fry.

"I'll you tell you if you ever end up there," Enzo replied. Pippa shot her son a quick glare. "I mean, jail is not fun, and you should never play with drugs," he corrected. Mason and Lesley giggled at his sudden change of tone.

"Won't so funny when dad finds out why you are coming home early," Pippa muttered. Enzo gave his mother a scared look.

"You didn't tell him?" He freaked. Pippa shook her head.

"Sure didn't," she replied in a smart ass tone. "I figured you wanted to tell him yourself. And you're still grounded," Pippa informed. Enzo slapped his forehead.

"I just got out of jail," he whined. Lesley rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"You spent less than two weeks in juvie, shut up!" She snapped. Enzo narrowed his eyes at his sister.

"I swear to God I'm gonna-" Lesley sat up and gave her brother an oh really look.

"What? Are you gonna hit me? Go ahead, I will fight your bitch ass," she replied. Mason tightened his grip to make sure she didn't jump out of his grip and Pippa put her hands out.

"Both of you stop talking to each other! No one is fighting anyone!" She ended. Her children rolled their eyes and focused on different things. "Lesley, what has gotten into you?" Pippa seriously asked. Instead of her daughter, though, Enzo answered.

"Dick has," he laughed under his breath. Seeing as Mason didn't see that comment coming, Lesley slipped out of his grip and leaped for her brother. She punched him very hard in the chest and walked out. Swiftly, Pippa got out of her seat and followed her child.

"Ooh, when I get back," she growled at Enzo as she past the foot of his bed. The teenage boy held his chest and coughed.

"That's what your dumb ass gets," Mason said. Reneé rolled her eyes and went back to her lap top. She couldn't even put into words the anger she felt.

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