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10:20 AM

Phillipa woke up to her empty bed in her baby pink, thin, silk robe. She sat up to stretch out her back and took a deep breath. Fourth time this week. Pippa thought as she had counted the number of times Lin had come over in the middle of the night. Phillipa tucked her knees into her chest and laid her head on her knees. Tears fell as the memories of her life settled into her brain. Her son hated her, her oldest daughter was a obsessed with work, and her ex...current...whatever he was, was just that. He was whatever he was. They hadn't talked about their relationship at all. Every time Pippa tried to talk, Lin would kiss her or distract her in some sexual manner. The times he came over, other than the first, were to talk about them. And every time, Lin decided that he didn't want to talk about it. He even went as far as to use the excuse "the kids are gonna wake up soon". So, she felt stuck. She loved him and wanted to tell him, but couldn't get the words out before things happened. Today is gonna be different. Phillipa thought as she dried her tears and slid out of the bed.


12:45 PM

Phillipa, Lesley, and Enzo walked into the theater to see everyone gathered at the food table. As they walked up the stairs Pippa noticed Lesley had her school bag with her. "Why do you have a backpack?" Phillipa asked as Lesley hoisted the bag higher on her shoulder.

"Homework," she lied. Phillipa nodded and led her kids to her dressing room. As soon as they got settled in the room Lesley decided to place her plan into motion. "Mom, I'm still feeling sick," Lesley started. Phillipa set down her purse and walked over to her vanity.

"Really," Pippa replied. "You seemed fine this morning," Pippa analyzed. Lesly slapped Enzo's arm to get him to help her out.

"Uh, this morning she threw up," Enzo lied. Phillipa placed her hand on Lesley's forehead.

"You don't feel warm," Phillipa said. Lesley bit her lip and sat on the couch. "Let me go ask daddy what we should do," the worried mother said. She left out and Lesley hopped off the couch.

"When the time comes, I'm gonna come back here, go to the bathroom, and sneak out of the window. Remember, if you keep my secret, I'll keep yours," Lesley said. Enzo nodded, the twins did their hand shake, then pulled out their phones.


Phillipa walked in Lin's dressing room to see him playing video games. "Babe," Pippa called as she shut the door. Lin paused his game and set the controller down.

"What's up," he asked. Pippa walked around the couch, pecked her mans lips, and sat on his lap.

"Bad news. Lesley is sick so, she might be in and out of the show tonight," Pippa informed. Lin sulked and stroked Pippa's leg.

"Dang, I hope she feels better," he whispered. Pippa ran her hand through Lin's mane and slid off of his lap.

"I want to talk to you," Pippa said. Lin started to peck Phillipa's neck and slid his hand across her abdomen. But, Pippa needed to say what she had prepared and couldn't do it with him hanging off of her. "No, Lin. I really want to talk," She urged. The actress pushed her bosses hand off of her and moved his head.

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