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(Octoburr 29)
(Lesley is 9 Weeks & Pippa is 5 Weeks)

Lesley was no longer grounded, but definitely still pregnant. Enzo was no longer grounded, but definitely still protective. And Pippa was never grounded, but was slightly afraid of her man. That's a terrible thing to be, but the bruise on Pippa's side was a constant reminder of the damage he did without a second thought. But, she had to push that thought away and pretend to have fun for the sake of her kids. She and Lin got tickets for the fair as a celebration of Lesley's new friends. They were sweet, not into boy crazy, and supportive of her pregnancy. It was perfect for Lesley.


3:36 PM

Lesley stood in her mirror playing with her new best friends (from right to left in the picture) Mina, Blake, and Alayna. They were listening to music and chilling while her family got ready. Lesley poked at her tiny baby bump, through her t-shirt. "Are you excited that you have bump now?" Mina asked. Lesley looked back and nodded. She quickly pulled out her phone to take a picture on Snapchat.

"Get in this guys!" Lesley suggested as she made faces in the mirror. Mina stood on Lesley's right as Blake and Alayna filled in on the right. After they took the picture Lesley posted it to her story and sat at her desk as her friends sat on her bed. The girls were about to start talking when Enzo burst into the room with Lesley's backpack and jacket.

"¡Mamá dice que deje de salir de su mierda en la sala de estar!"(Mom said to stop leaving your shit in the living room!) He yelled. Lesley rolled her eyes and watched him throw her stuff next to the door.

"Bueno, no le importa una mierda lo que ella dice." (Well, I don't give a shit what she says.) She yelled back. Enzo rolled his eyes and left out the room. They talked in Spanish when they didn't want other people to know what they were talking about. It worked when they were little and kept secrets from Pippa, but over the years Pippa picked up Spanish and knew what they were saying, eventually. And it drove Lin insane when they spoke in the Mexican dialect instead of Cuban or Spain. Only because some of the things from Cuba didn't translate the same in Mexico and would mess him up. Mina, Blake, and Alayna looked at Lesley in shock.

"You speak Spanish?" Blake asked. Lesley nodded put a hat on, along with her 'Harry Potter' glasses.

"Yep. I've been fluent since I was three," she answered. The girls gave an impressed looked.

"Are you gonna teach your baby Spanish?" Alayna asked. Lesley picked up her phone and nodded.

"Definitely," Lesley replied. She checked the time on her phone to see that it was only 3:39. The impatient teen walked to her door and peaked her head out. She saw her mom walk out of the room as she put on her watch. "Are you guys almost ready? You are taking forever," Lesley rushed. Phillipa rolled her eyes and turned to her daughter.

"You can go back into your room," Phillipa replied. Lesley groaned and rolled her eyes in response. Phillipa ignored the attitude her daughter exuded and walked down the stairs. She saw Lin at the counter with a tea, and his laptop. "You almost ready?" He asked. Pippa nodded and walked behind to catch a glimpse of his screen. It was a travel sight. He was looking up flights to Texas for one. "Where ya going?" She asked. Lin shook his head and closed his laptop.

"Nowhere," he lied. Pippa silently sighed and grabbed a water bottle. As she shut the fridge a cramp hit her stomach. It didn't phase her much though, because it was usually a sign of her period. Along with the spotting that she was experiencing. I feel like I just had a period. What day is it? Pippa thought. She sipped her water and grabbed her purse.

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