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Lesley walked into the school with Nova's car seat in hand. She and Mason were at the school Stevie went to, so there was, of course, the nursery. As she walked towards her child's daycare, she was stopped by Mason's girlfriend (in the picture). "Well, well, well, if it wasn't the girl who cried rape after a bad night of sex," she laughed with her clique. Lesley rolled her eyes and walked into the nursery to drop off her baby. When she walked out of the nursery, the girls were waiting for her. Lesley rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Oh my gosh! Get the fuck out of my face!" Lesley yelled out of frustration. Aria stood in front of Lesley and folded her arms.

"And what are you gonna do if I don't?" Aria smirked. Lesley rolled her eyes and tried to walk past Aria but, was pulled back by one of her minions.

"I swear to God, if you don't get your hands off of me," Lesley spat at the girl. The blonde girl grasped tighter onto Lesley wrist to ensure she don't slip loose.

"Hey! Leave her alone, Aria! You're just mad that Cam wouldn't fuck you!" A blonde girl yelled form behind Lesley. They all turned towards her and her group of friends. Aria and her posse scoffed and walked away from Lesley.

"I didn't need your help," Lesley fought. The girls walked up to Lesley, as they giggled and shook their heads. "Who are you guys?" Lesley asked.

"I'm DeVore Ledridge," the blonde girl said

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"I'm DeVore Ledridge," the blonde girl said.

"I'm Olivia Rodrigo," the girl to her left said

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"I'm Olivia Rodrigo," the girl to her left said.

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