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(New Years Eve)
(Pippa's 18 Weeks & Lesley's 22 Weeks)

Phillipa, Reneé, and Jasmine sat in the Miranda's living room setting up for the New Years party, like every year. Pippa was fixing the cups, Reneé was working on the banner, and Jasmine was making monkey bread. The guys, as always, were in the basement, and the kids were hanging in Lesley's chill room. "Are you excited to officially be having a girl?" Reneé asked. Pippa nodded with a huge grin.

"Yeah. But I'm nervous for next week," she confessed. Jasmine dried off her hands and put the cast iron skillet in the oven.

"Oh yeah, what are they gonna do?" Jasmine asked, as she plopped next to Pippa and grabbed the plates to alternate the colors.

"DNA test. Adam sent his blood into the hospital, I have to get blood draw Thursday, and Lin is going tomorrow before he leaves for LA with Chris," Pippa explained. Jasmine gave her a confused look.

"They don't have to go in and get blood from the cord?" She asked. Reneé and Pippa shook their heads simultaneously.

"Not anymore. I could have done this 10 weeks ago, but I didn't want to know. And now I'm sure she's Lin's. If my math doesn't fail me, I was already pregnant when I had sex with Adam. I hope," Pippa trailed off. Jasmine sat her hand on Pippa's hand on her shoulder and Reneé rolled her neck.

"That baby is 100% Lin! You know how I know?" Reneé asked. Pippa and Jasmine shared an amused looked and shrugged.

"No I do not, please share," Pippa smirked.

"Because, you're boobs are huge, and your hair is thick and long," Reneé informed. Phillipa and Jasmine bursts into laughter. "Well it's true," Reneé laughed.

"How was Adam in bed? Was he bigger than Lin?" Jasmine asked. Pippa stitched her eyebrows together and shook her head.

"No! He was shit. One, he talked the entire time and expected me to give him head but reciprocate. The fuck! And in the least, he was not carrying a big taxi," Pippa answered. Reneé and Jasmine were rolling on the flier laughing. At the story and at Pippa's In The Heights reference. The woman continued to carry on and until a kick hit Phillipa in her lower ribs. "Owe," she said through a laugh. Jasmine and Reneé continued to laugh but, also were a bit concerned for their friend.

"What happened?" Jasmine asked as she tried to catch her breath. Pippa nodded and leaned back into the couch still in laugher.

"Claudia kicked me," Pippa said, as she took a deep breath and placed her hand where the baby kicked. "Mommy's sorry she woke you, Boo-Boo," Pippa said to her stomach.

"Boo-Boo? You have nicknames for all of your kids," Jasmine laughed. Pippa nodded and hummed.

"I sure do. There's Ana, Little Miss, Zoe, Masey, and Boo-Boo," Pippa listed. "It's more fun that way," Pippa shrugged. She went to speak again before her phone rang it was a hospital downtown. "Hello?" Pippa asked. "She listened to the person in the other line and wrote down the address. "Thank you so much," Pippa grinned. She hung up and squeaked.

"Okay first off, never make that sound again," Reneé said, as she put the finishing touches on the banner. "And second off, what is going on?" Reneé asked. Pippa got the couch and ran to the intercom.

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