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(4 Days Later)

10 PM

Lin was on top of his girlfriend as they did the do. Pippa didn't feel that great, but Lin kept begging so she gave in. As the activity progress, Pippa started to feel nauseous. "Lin, get off," she whined. Lin looked down at her in confusion.

"But you promised," he replied. Pippa shook her head and pushed him off.

"No seriously, get up," she reiterated. Lin rolled over onto his side, watched Pippa slip on her thong, and jump out of the bed. When her feet hit the floor, she ran to the bathroom. As quickly as she could, Pippa spilled her dinner into the toilet. Lin slipped on his boxers, then follows behind his women.

"What is going on with you?" Lin asked . Phillipa flushed the toilet, gather her hair into her left hand and washed out her mouth.

"Nothing," she said, irritably as she started to walk away. Lin sighed and folded his arms.

"Then what's wrong? Why are being so weird?" He pressed. Phillipa groaned out of frustration and whipped around to him.

"Because I," she stopped abruptly. "Because I am," she yelled. Lin's jaw dropped. Phillipa ran her hand through her hair and darted out of the wash room. Lin tired to follow her but, she quickly pulled on some yoga pants and a t-shirt.

"Where are you going? We have to talk about this," Lin yelled. Phillipa ignored him and sprinted out the house. "The fuck?" He asked himself as he sat on the bed.


12:17 AM

Pippa knocked on Reneé's door, feverishly. She had to talk to someone and although Jasmine lived much closer she was not available. Jasmine went with AJ to a soccer game in Boston and wouldn't be back for three days. So, Reneé was the next best thing. Pippa stood at the door for 27 seconds before Brielle came to the door. "P?" She asked. Phillipa nodded. "Come inside, what are you doing out here at midnight?" She asked as she let Pippa in.

"I have to talk to your mom. Is she here?" Pippa asked in a panic. Brielle nodded and pointed to the stairs.

"Yeah, she is in her room picking out outfits for some trip or something," Brielle answered. Pippa ran to up the stairs and barged into Reneé's room.

"Pip pip, what we you doing here?" Reneé asked, obviously startled. Phillipa stood in silence for a hot second before the water works began. "What happened baby?" Reneé asked as she held out her arms. Pippa ran straight into her sisters body. "Where is Lin? What is going on?" Reneé freaked.

"I left," she simply replied. Reneé peeled Pippa off of her and sat her on the king sized bed.

"You left Lin? I thought you guys just got back together?" She questioned. Pippa shook her head and wrapped her arms around her torso.

"No, I just," Pippa stuttered through tears. Reneé rubbed Pippa's back for comfort, and took a deep breath.

"Just start from the beginning," Reneé said calmly. Pippa nodded and pushed her hair behind her ears.

And No One Else || Lippa||✔️Where stories live. Discover now