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(Two Days Later)

10:30 PM

Mason sat next to Lauren's hospital bed on his laptop. He was doing business marketing work while he waited for a nurse to come change his moms bandages. He tapped his pen on his keyboard as Lauren stared off into space. She had woken up the day before, when a nurse didn't give an anesthetic and stuck a huge needle in her arm. Let's just say, Lauren was ready to throw hands. "Momma," Mason said. Lauren looked to her son and flicked her hair out of her face. "How do I do this?" He asked, as he walked his computer over to his mom. The two, looked at the laptop screen in silence for a second.

"If I were you I would move this," she said, dragging a picture that sat at the top of his spread to the bottom. "That way it opens up the brochure and gives more space for the readers eyes to follow the description," Lauren helped. Mason gave a small smile and set his lap top on the chair next to bed. He quickly crawled in the bed and laid his head on Lauren's shoulder.

"She hast been back since you got here," He whispered. Lauren placed her hand on his cheek and shut her eyes.

"She needs to re-evaluate her life before she can step back into ours," she replied. Mason nodded and started to drift off to sleep. Right at the cusp of sleep a loud thud hit the door. Both Mason and Lauren, looked at the door to see a police officer.

"Are you Lauren Jauregui?" The man asked. Lauren, of course, nodded. "You have been served," he continued. The officer handed her an envelope and left the room. Lauren quickly opened the paper to see that there Stevie filed to revoke her adoption rights to Mason. Her plea? Lauren was medically insane. Fucking Classy. Lauren thought.

"What happened?" Mason asked. Lauren threw the papers on the floor and started to tear up.

"Your mother is taking you from me. She moved to revoke my adoption of you," Lauren answered. Mason shook his head and backed off the bed.

"What? She can't do that!" He yelled. Lauren nodded.

"She can. She's your birth mother," Lauren slightly explained. She didn't want to go into detail and have Mason turn on her.

"No! Don't I get a say?" He cried. Lauren wiped a tear and watched Mason pack up his backpack. "Fuck!" Mason yelled. He put his bag on and ran out of the room.

"Mase!" Lauren screamed. It was useless though, he was already halfway to the elevator. The kid was on a rampage.


11:28 PM

Stevie stormed into Lauren's hospital room with anger. "Where the fuck is he?" She screamed. Lauren looked her confused and shrugged.

"Who?" She asked. Stevie groaned out of frustration.

"Mason! I know you say him last!" Stevie yelled. Lauren held her hands up in defense.

"Hold up, Detc. Olivia Benson. Don't assume that I did something to him because we saw each other last. He read your letter and bolted," she snapped. Stevie folded her arms and scowled at Lauren.

"The fuck did you show him that for?" She screamed. Lauren gave Stevie an obvious look and rolled her eyes.

"He had a right to fucking know! He's not a baby! If you take a parent away he will notice!" She barked. Stevie got in Lauren's face and pointed at her.

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