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Pippa laid in an ER room with an IV in her hand. She was still asleep, but they got her stable and wrapped up her head. It took a nasty hit after she collapsed on the bathroom floor. Lin sat next to her bed and waited for a doctor come. They were all busy and bustling around so Lin decided to call the only person he trusted. "Mere?" he asked. "Can you come down to the ER? Pippa is here again," he sighed. Meredith agreed and Lin put his phone away.

"Babe," Pippa said with her eyes still closed.

"Yeah?" Lin asked. Pippa pointed to the water bottle to tell Lin she was thirsty. "Oh, here," he said. Pippa took the bottle and pressed it to her lips. She took three sips before closing the bottle and puking blood and vomit in the trash can next to the bed. "Babe!" Lin jumped back. Pippa tossed the bottle on the bed next to her and started to cry. She was tired of not being able to eat or sleep and being constantly uncomfortable.

"What's going?" Meredith asked. Lin pointed to the trash can.

"She tried to sip some water and threw up," Lin explained. Meredith picked up Pippa's chart and shook her head.

"This can't be right?" She said. Lin glanced at Pippa then ran his hands through his hair.

"What? What can't be right?" Lin freaked. Meredith took a deep breath and bit her lip.

"Pippa you're internally bleeding and have been for quite some time. You have ulcers in the lining of your entire stomach," Meredith explained. Pippa stayed silent and continued to cry as the thoughts of her kids ran through her mind.

"What does that mean? Is she gonna be okay?" Lin asked on the brink of tears. Meredith shook her head.

"She might have been months ago, but it's to far along. If we go in and rework the lining she'll either bleed out in no time or she could make it. But it's a really slim chance. And if we don't do surgery she will be dead by the end of the week. We could try to treat it but the longest she would last is until the end of the month. If that," Meredith answered. Lin slumped into his seat, tears falling down his face. His heart broke at the sound of losing his wife, the mother of his kids, his soulmate. "The easiest thing we can do is make her as comfortable as possible and get everyone to say there goodbyes. I'll go get her room ready," Meredith said quickly before sprinting out of the room so they didn't see her cry. Pippa was a good friend of hers. She was invited to all of the kids birthday party's and all the holidays. Meredith had grown to be a part of the family and losing Pippa was like losing a sister. A talented, happy, friendly sister.

"We have to get you the surgery!" Lin said. Pippa opened her blood shot eyes quickly and shook her head.

"No! Did you not hear her say I would bleed out in no time?" Pippa yelled in a raspy voice. Lin nodded and folded his arms.

"Yeah I did! But she also said there was a chance!" He screamed back. Pippa shook her head.

"A SLIM ONE! No! Just leave me be! Go tell our friends and family what is going on! I want to see them!" Pippa demanded. Lin knew that fighting back would do no good so he sauntered out of the room and pulled his phone out of his pocket.


Lesley laid on Pippa's side of she and Lin's bed. Tears were falling into Pippa's pillow. She had just visited Pippa in the hospital and tried to keep it together for her sibling but, as soon as she left the room she couldn't. Lesley ran her hand along Pippa's sheets and took in a long whiff of her coconut scented pillow from her hair. "Why do you have to leave me? I need you! Who is gonna help me with Nova! And poor Claudia and Annemarie! They're never gonna meet the most amazing mom ever! And I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything that I said or did that was out of line! I'm sorry for all the times that I acted like a brat or bitch! I'm so sorry! And I.... I hate you! I hate that you didn't go to the doctors sooner! I hate that you didn't hold me and Zo longer as kids! I hate that you didn't care about Stevie! Why did you let dad go? I hate you!" Lesley screamed. Her voice cracked on the last sentence and her heart shattered."I love you," she whispered, shutting her eyes slowly and drifting to sleep.


Mason laid on his bed throwing a basketball up and down. He just got the news from Lin that Pippa was dying. Imagine that? He thought. Every mother figure you have ever had left you. His mind raced. Your own fucking girlfriend left you. He internally blamed. Your mom killed herself, your other mom literally left you, and now your Nona got ulcers just to get away from you. Mason cried at the thought of not having Pippa at his games. Or not being able to have her at his wedding or to see his kids being born. At this rate she wouldn't even see him go to his first prom. She would miss everything, just like Stevie. He thought. Mason dropped the ball onto the floor and rolled on his side. There is one thing I could do to make her proud of me before she goes. He had to break up with the girl that hurt his aunt. That would make Pippa smile, at least then she could die knowing Mason listened to her.


Enzo sat at the kitchen table staring at a picture he gave Pippa when he was five years old. His named had the z backwards and his last name said Mirrando, but Pippa thought it was the cutest ever. It was a picture that he drew of their family. It was Pippa, Lesley, Enzo, Mason, Stevie, Lin, and no one else.

To My Bomb.Com Friends And Supporters,
I'm so sorry. Don't hate me! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘

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