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SO IM ACTUALLY GONNA KILL MYSELF!!! I HAD 26 FUCKING WRITTEN AND THEN I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! AHHHH KMS!!!!!! SO I SAID SCREW IT AND WE ARE JUST GONNA DO THIS!! And I'm not changing it either... sorry not sorry. Maybe one day I'll re write it but, today is not that day!

(Pippa is 15 Weeks & Lesley is 19 weeks)

When the Miranda's moved back into the old house Lesley moved into Stevie's old room and the boys moved into the basement. Yes, boys. After Thanksgiving (where nothing happens and it was just a filler), Pippa thought it best for Mason to move in with them and out of Renee's. They were his family family, and since Lauren was stall AWOL to them, it was best for him to be with them. Also, the reason the boys are in the basement was because the room next to Pippa and Lin's would be the nursery. And even though Lesley has a room that connects to hers through the bathroom, the guys wanted to share a space that was big enough for both of them. So, the room that was Mason's is a chill room for Lesley. Not a nursery, because she made it clear that she wasn't keeping Nova, her baby girl, she just wanted to name her. No attachment there. Note the sarcasm.


2:39 AM

Lesley woke up in a sprint to her bathroom. She has been having the worst morning sickness and headaches ever. Or so she thought. After she vomited her guts out, Lesley called Pippa's phone. "Yes?" Pippa answered half asleep. Lesley wiped a tear and turned off her faucet.

"Momma," she whined. Pippa rolled her eyes.

"Are you crying?" She asked. Lesley sniffles in response. "S-so you're not crying?" Pippa asked again. Lesley burst into full on tears at that point. Pippa groaned and got out of her bed to check on her child. She hung up her phone and came into the dimly lit bathroom. "Can I help you?" She reluctantly asked. Lesley laid her warm head on the cool counter and shut her eyes.

"I think I have the worst pregnancy ever!" Lesley complained. Pippa threw her a winded laugh and leaned against the doorway with her arms folded.

"Yeah okay. Hit me up when you can't move with out having a round ligament pain or causes you to spot for a couple of days and freaks you out. Then we can talk," Pippa replied in a snarky tone. She was over Lesley's whining and complains about her pregnancy. She honestly wanted to tell Lesley to shut the fuck up, but because she was a cinnamon roll, she couldn't do that to her kid. So she just gave rude comments in stead.

"Get your shit together, because I'm pregnant too, and I would like to... I don't know....sleep," Pippa said. Lesley gasped and walked past her mom.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Lesley sarcastically yelled. "I just thought that my mom would want to help me in my time of pain," Lesley said as she pushed past her mom and got back in her bed. Pippa shook her head and turned from the bathroom, to the bedroom.

"Not particularly. I'd rather be asleep, in my warm bed," Pippa replied. Lesley rolled her eyes and turned on her side. "Sleep tight," Pippa sarcastically smiled. Lesley groaned and shut her eyes. Phillipa left the teens room and walked back to hers. When she got back in the bed, Lin turned towards her, and watched his wife get in the bed.

"What happened?" Lin asked. Pippa shrugged.

"I'm gonna be real honest, I wasn't listening. I was actually kind of falling asleep," Pippa answered. Lin shook his head and slightly chuckled.

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