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Phillipa sat in her dressing room with Lesley and Reneé, Wednesday morning. The teenager took the day off from school because, just like her mother, her periods were killer. She woke up that morning and threw up instantly. Therefore, she had to go to work with Pippa. "How are you feeling," Jasmine asked as she handed Lesley a water bottle and Midol.

"I'm in pain, my stomach is killing me, and I may vomit again," Lesley answered. Pippa stroked her daughters hair and sighed.

"Just take the Midol and try to sleep, Little Miss. I have to go talk to dad," Pippa said. Lesley popped her head up quickly with a smile.

"Daddy? You're talking to daddy," Lesley asked. Pippa nodded and stood up.

"I have to honey. He's my boss remember," the mother answered. Lesley's smile dropped. Oh yeah. She thought. Pippa saw her daughters disappointment and left the room to avoid tears. It had been two days since the kiss, and she was still confused. She like Lin but she didn't want to hurt Steven. And she was t sure if the kiss was because he actually wanted her or if he was vulnerable because of his dads passing. Pippa shook off the thought and decided to stick with her original plan. Knock Lin off his feet.

When she got to Lin's room, she knocked on the door. "Come in," the little genius called. Pippa entered to see Carleigh on Lin's couch. "Hey Pippa," Lin greeted.

"Hey can I talk to you for a sec," she asked. The dancer got the hint and slid out of the room gracefully. Pippa closed and locked the door behind Carleigh and turned to her ex.

"So what's up," Lin asked. Pippa bit her lip and sat on the sofa.

"Come here," she whispered. Pippa patted the seat next to her and watched Lin shuffle to the brown leather couch. As soon as he sat down, Pippa caught a whiff of his cologne. It was a homey, cinnamon, and vanilla scented. I bought that. Pippa proudly thought. Lin placed his left arm on the back of the couch so that it fell right above her shoulders and smiled at her. "So, Monday," she started. Lin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and glanced away from the woman beside him.

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that," he lied. Lin wasn't sorry at all. He was actually glad she called him. And, he would've done it again gladly. Pippa shook her head.

"No. Don't apologize. I," Pippa stopped. She wasn't sure if she felt bad about what she wanted to say but, she had a right. Once again, Steven fucked her over and she wasn't having it. She took his stuff over to Maddies and told him to loose the key. It must've worked because hadn't come back like he said he would. Also, she was kind of at her wits end with him after she found a shirt with a lip shade to cheap to be hers. "I liked it." She confessed. To Lin's surprise, she scooted closer to him.

"What about the fact that you're getting married? And your fiancé," Lin asked. Pippa placed her finger over Lin's lips seductively.

"Short version, Steven and I are no more," she whispered. "But, right now, I just want me and you," she smirked. Phillipa slid into her ex's lap. What the hell are you doing? Pippa's brain screamed. Why the hell didn't you do this sooner? Her heart swooned. Phillipa found her lips locked with Lin's in seconds. Everything went quiet as the kiss her deeper. Lin pulled out and stared at her in shock.

"Are you sure about this? About us," Lin asked. Pippa nodded, and fell right back into the rhythm of their lips.


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