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(Friday Night)

Lesley and Enzo walked in to Lin's tiny apartment and caught a glimpse of Lin and Vanessa in the middle of a heated argument. The two decided to slip past it and head to their room. "Are you gonna ask about your sleepover thing," Enzo asked as he threw his duffle bag on his bed. Lesley shrugged and sat her duffel on the floor.

"I don't know. They look like they are in a serious fight," Lesley said. She started to pull out her clothes when her phone rang. She picked it up and looked at the screen. Brec had face timed her. "Hey," she greeted as she hit the green talk button.

"Hey, the girls and I are going to get froyo," she announced. "You wanna come," Brec asked. Lesley looked back at her brother then, back to her phone.

"Give me a sec," Lesley whispered. She ran to the living room and found her dad drinking at the counter. "Daddy can I go out with my friends? And spend the night," Lesley asked. Lin waved her off and ignored everything his daughter said. Lesley rolled her eyes and went back to her room.

"So," Brec asked. Lesley bit her lip and nodded.

"Yeah I can go. I'll text you guys my dads address," Lesley smirked. Brec cheered and the two hung up.

"Dad was cool with it," Enzo asked. Lesley shrugged, grabbed her duffel, and repacked her clothes.

"I don't give a fuck," she swore for the first time. Enzo stared at his sister in shock. "I'm going out. If you wanna eat tonight I would call Stevie and see what she's doing," Lesley informed. Enzo shook his head and pushed his duffle in the floor.

"I'll see if Danielle is busy," Enzo smirked. Lesley shook her head and walked out the room.

"See ya later, little bro," Lesley waved. Enzo shut the door behind her and Lesley started towards the door. As she touched the door knob, someone grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going," they spat. Lesley looked back to see Vanessa in her face. She ripped her arm back and scoffed.

"Get away from me, hoe," Lesley replied. She turned again, but Vanessa pushed Lesley's hand off the knob.

"You are staying with us tonight, so you answer to me," Vanessa said. Lesley pushed off of her dad's girlfriend and flipped her hair.

"You're not my mom! You're not even my stepmom! You are just the girl that my dad is with until he realizes that my mom is the one for him," Lesley screamed. The teen went to turn away, but felt a sting on her cheek. Vanessa had hit her. Lesley stormed out of the apartment and to the elevator. As soon as she stepped in, Lesley called her mom.


"She what," Phillipa screamed. Lesley had just explained her encounter to her mother and Phillipa was furious. "Go back and get Enzo. I'm coming to get you guys," She instructed. Lesley nodded, and hit the button for her dad's floor.

"Okay. But, what about my sleepover?" Lesley asked.

"You can still go. But, I don't want to leave your brother with that woman and clearly your father is incompetent at the moment," Phillipa said. Lesley hated to here her parents dig at each other. It just felt like they were further from getting back together. "I'll see you in ten," she said. Lesley nodded and two hung up. Lesley walked back to her father's house, came in, and went straight to her room.

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