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Lin and Phillipa sat on the couch at 11:30 PM discussing the situation of another kid. Pippa was feeding Annemarie with Claudia asleep in the swing in front of her. And Lin had Allie on his lap, asleep. "Lin we have to call CPS," Pippa started. Lin looked down at the little girl who was gripping his t-shirt for dear life in her sleep.

"We can't. What if-"

"No, Lin. Don't do that!" Pippa scolded. "Don't try to guilt me into kidnapping, which is essentially what you did. We have to call someone," Phillipa said. Lin sighed.

"Pippa, I'll make you a deal. We can call someone if and only if no one comes for her for a week," Lin tried. Pippa let out a frustrated sigh and rolled her eyes.

"No! That's not going to work because no one knows she is here! I am calling someone in the morning. End of discussion!" Pippa said. Lin went to speak but, Phillipa held her hand up. "Papí, I swear to God! Enough," Phillipa demanded. Lin groaned and got off the couch.

"Goodnight," he mumbled. Pippa waved him off and focused on feeding her baby. She wished that Lin could see that she didn't want to call anyone. But, she didn't want to go to jail for assisting a kidnapping. Then, none of her kids would have parents.

"I'm doing the right thing right?" Pippa asked Annemarie. The baby just stared at her mother and continued to eat. "You are of no help," Pippa sighed as she kissed her baby's head and played with her hands.

After feeding and burping her babies, Pippa laid on the couch clutching her stomach. A sharp, quick pain struck her stomach causing her to jump off the couch and to the bathroom. Pippa had never vomited so fast in her life. "What is going on?" Phillipa whispered as she laid back on the wall. Her stomach was still in knots but, she wasn't feeling nauseous anymore.

"Pippa?" A small voice called from the other side of the door. It was to small to be her husband. And because they called her by her name, it wasn't her kids.

"Allie?" Pippa called back. The door slowly opened to reveal the three year old. Her hair was messily pushed behind her ears but she looked adorable in her Peppa Pig pajamas. She had tear stained cheeks and her nose was rose red. "What's wrong, mija," Pippa asked as she held her hands out. Allie slowly shuffled into the small half bath and snuggled into Pippa's warm embrace.

"Me scared," Allie answered. Pippa kissed Allie's temple and stroked her hair softly.

"I know, baby. It's a new place and you don't know us. But, we won't hurt you. We just want you to go back to your mommy and daddy," Pippa said. Allie shook her head quickly and started to cry.

"No mommy! No daddy! No!" She cried. Pippa bounced her in her lap. Allie tucked her hands under chin and pulled her knees into her chest. Almost as if someone had taught her to guard her important organs."Daddy hurts! Mommy gone!" Allie said. That's all it took for Pippa to reconsider her final decision. She wanted to help Allie but, she didn't want the possibility for someone to take her. Then, she remembered that she scheduled and appointment for the next morning.

"Okay. Well, I have a friend that wants to make sure that you are healthy. Can we do that?" Pippa asked. Allie gave her a nervous glance before wiping her tears. "I will be right there with you," Pippa urged. Allie nodded.

"Otay," Allie answered. Pippa smoothed out Allie's hair one last time before moving her off of her lap. She felt something hit the back of her throat but, didn't want Allie to see her throw up.

"Allie, can you go get Lin?" Pippa asked. Allie nodded and turned on all fours to push her little body off the ground. As soon as Allie left, Pippa kicked the door shut, and vomited again.

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