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12:30 PM

"Hello?" Stevie answered, on her work phone.

"Is this Steviana Soo?" A woman on the other line asked slowly. Stevie rolled her eyes.

"Yeah," she replied in an annoyed tone as she scrolled through emails.

"My name is Nurse Jackson. I'm sorry to inform you, but EMT's just brought your wife into surgery," The nurse replied. Stevie look away from her computer and too the picture of she and Lauren on her desk.

"What happened?" The concerned business woman asked. The nurse explained how Lauren, in simple terms, slit her wrists so deep that it cut major veins. "Is she gonna be okay," Stevie questioned as she gathered her stuff.

"It's too early to tell," the nurse said before he's hung up. Stevie ran out of the office building and hailed a cab to the hospital as quickly as possible.


12:45 PM

Stevie rushed into the waiting room to see Mason bawling his eyes out in Pippa shirt. "Mase," Stevie whispered. Mason looked at his mom, but instead of comfort he found anger.

"What are you doing here?" He asked spitefully. Stevie scoffed.

"What do you mean? That's my wife,"

"Wife? Do you know what the word wife means? Cause your actions sure as hell don't," he spat. Stevie walked closer to him and sat her stuff down next to her mom.

"Mason that stuff is behind me now. It's no more," Stevie tried. She went to hug him but he pushed off of her and stood up. "Mason-" Stevie went to yell at her son but her mother held her hand up.

"Ana," Pippa softly said, as she shook her head.

"You're disgusting," Mason whispered. In one motion, he walked down the hall towards the vending machine. Stevie sat on the other side of her mom and placed her head in her hands on her lap.

"I have fucked up," she whispered. Pippa nodded and folded her arms over her stomach.

"Yep. And this is not the first time someone has been driven to suicide with you around," Pippa pointed out. Stevie looked at her in disgust.

"Really? That's what your word choice was?" Stevie yelled. Pippa shrugged and side eyed her daughter.

"Why, the fuck not? You are a terrible person. I thought I was some ass but, you..." Pippa trailed off. "You make my actions look like Mother fucking Teresa. And I literally got drunk and had sex almost every night for a year... in the same house as my kids...while they were home," Pippa responded. "But, at least at the end of the day my kids know where my loyalties lie. They don't wonder if mom is gonna miss their award ceremonies and dance classes. Or if they will have to hopefully catch a ride to a game cause mom forgot," Pippa replied. Stevie rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"Shut up," Stevie groaned. "You don't know shit about my work life," she swore. Pippa stitched her eyebrows together.

"Wow strong words from a workaholic. And I honestly don't give a damn about your work life. All I care about is the boy. I know more about him then you do. And frankly, sometimes I feel like I'm raising him," Phillipa replied. Stevie rolled her eyes and stood up.

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