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(Next days)

Lesley laid in her bed and tossing and turning. She couldn't stop thinking about the messages between she and Cam. He wasn't there for her pregnancy, he wasn't there for the birth, and he wasn't there for afterwards. But, she couldn't help but stress. That's her baby.


Lesley sat in the nurses office at her old school, after getting sick in her theater lighting and sound class. She had only just gotten back into the states and it was the week after she told her mom about her pregnancy. She hadn't told Cam yet, but she had planned to when a girl snitched on her throwing up in the bathroom. She told the principal that Lesley was purging because, it just so happened to be right after lunch. So she sat on the bench and waited for the nurse to get off  the phone with Pippa. "Yes. Okay, thank you. Sure can. Have a good day," the nurse said as she hung up the phone. "Lesley," she called. Lesley quickly stood up and folded her arms over her stomach. She was wearing Enzo's soccer hoodie so it was really baggy, to hide her tiny baby bump.

"Yeah?" Lesley asked.

"Is there a possibility that you're pregnant?" the nurse asked. Lesley bit her lip and nodded. "Are you 100% sure?"  The nurse asked. Lesley nodded again. "I have to report this to the principal," she said. Lesley shook her head.

"No! Why? I haven't even told the father!" Lesley yelled. The nurse ignored Lesley and walked past her towards the principals office. Lesley pulled out her phone and texted Pippa that the nurse had to tell the principal about her pregnancy and was gonna make her tell Cam. Pippa was pissed. Lesley was pulled into the office and sat in front of a huge guy who resembled a scary santa clause.

"Lesley, the nurse says that you're pregnant," Principal Nelson said. Lesley nodded and hung her head. "Who's the father?" He asked. Lesley stayed silent and shook her head.

"Lesley you have to tell us," the nurse lied. She didn't have to say shit, but Lesley didn't know that. She sighed and looked between the principal and nurse.

"Cameron. My boyfriend. Well, ex," Lesley revealed. The principal made a couple of quick calls and in no time Cameron was sitting next to Lesley in the office. "I'm so sorry," Lesley whispered. Cameron looked at her weird but, before she could tell him about his kid, the principal swooped in.

"Cameron were you aware that you got Lesley pregnant?" He asked. Cameron's face went pale and Lesley scoffed. That's when Pippa came in. Lesley bowed her head with tears streaming down her face.

"What the hell is going on? Why is my child crying?" Pippa yelled. Lesley hopped out of the seat and ran into Pippa's arms.

"They told him before I could," Lesley cried. Pippa wrapped her arms around Lesley and rose an eyebrow towards the principal.

"Which one told him?" Pippa asked. Lesley pointed to the principal. Pippa moved Lesley behind her and walked up to the principals desk. "You told him about the baby?" Pippa asked. The principal nodded. "Who in heaven, hell, or anywhere in between told you to tell him? What in your brain told you that, yes, this a great fucking idea?" Pippa yelled. "You have no authority to do that! What if she didn't want him to know? Actually, how do you even know?" Pippa asked folding her arms. Lesly grabbed her moms arm and turned her attention to the nurse in the corner.

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