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(A Month Later)

Phillipa and Lesley had an interview at AOL build and Phillipa was nervous. The last time she was at AOL build was the same day she got raped at her following interview. As the years went on Pippa would see little pieces of the rape in things that would seem minuscule. For instance, she was on the roof at a party once and saw a guy that stood up straight and went into full panic mode. It took Steven a good fifteen minutes to eve calm her down. It was a mess. But, she has gotten better. When Pippa knew that she was going into high stress situations, she would take her mess and stay hydrated.With a full press day ahead, Thursday was no exception.


7:30 AM

Lesley and Phillipa stared at their phone screens as the got their makeup done. "I have a surprise for you," Phillipa teased. Lesley sat her phone down and looked at her mom with expecting eyes.

"Yeah," she pried. Pippa shook her head and went back to her phone.

"You'll see later," she replied. Lesley groaned and resumed her conversation with Cameron. The two continued in silence as the makeup artist finished their jobs. A knock at the door sounded, which threw Pippa back into that day. She quickly shook off the memory and called for them. "Come in," she said. Quickly a blonde haired woman came in with a clipboard and smile.

"They are ready for you guys." She announced. Pippa nodded, slid out of her chair and tucked her phone into her bag.

"Leave your phone, so you can pay attention," Pippa insisted. Lesley sighed and tossed her phone in her mom's purse. "Thank you. Now remember, if you don't want to answer something, you don't have to," Pippa reminded. Lesley nodded, grabbed a mic and headed to the stage with her mom. A group of about a hundred people cheered as Phillipa and Lesley hit their chairs. Suddenly the interview began.

"Hi!" Phillipa greeted as she took her seat.

"Hi Pippa. And this must be your daughter Lesley," the interviewer assumed. Pippa nodded and crossed her legs in the chair.

"Yep. This is my daughter Lesley. She just turned 14 not that long ago," Phillipa introduced. Lesley put on a smile and adjusted herself in the seat next to her mom.

"Do people ever mix you and your mom up?" The interview asked. Lesley chuckled and shook her head.

"No. It's more my dad or my brother, that people mix me up with. My older sister usually gets mixed up with my mom," she answered. Pippa thought about it and did find it strange that no one ever mixed them up.

"Awe. And I just want to say that I'm supporting you and Enzo in the spike in backlash towards you and your brother for being too dark," the interview said. Lesley nodded. Pippa looked confused. Recently, people had been bashing Lesley and Enzo for not being as light as their parents. They accused Pippa of cheating on Lin. They even said that Lesley and Enzo were adopted as well. The twins tried to ignore the hate as much as possible, but it was everywhere.

"Yeah. I don't get that. And for the record my mom didn't cheat on my dad. We are his kids fully. And just because we are darker doesn't mean we were adopted," Lesley addressed. Pippa gasped.

"I would've never cheated on my husband. Wait, when did this happen?" Pippa asked. The interviewer shrugged and pulled up her iPad.

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